Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tossing aside Religious Principles

I am not a Catholic and for the most part not a major supporter of the concept of "Church" on the whole. I do, though, believe in a God and I do believe that churches are about principles rooted in the word of God, the Bible. Notre Dame is a Catholic University and as such it should hold to the principles of the Catholic faith and as such giving Obama an Honorary Degree is quite against the founding Principles of the Catholic Faith - he is an abortionist President - self proclaimed. That he comes to Notre Dame to give the Commencement speech I have no problem with, but I do not see it as a forum for debate. He will control the discussion and there will be no opportunity for debate. Giving him and honorary degree is a tacit and unfortunately explicit endorsement of the Obama's views. I fully support the Catholic Church removing Notre Dame's status as a Catholic School. Notre Dame has, as many Churches in this country, chosen to toss aside the principles for which it supposedly stood. That is the tragedy of Religion in America. Too many Americans pay lip service to religion. They go to church on Sundays as a way to buy themselves into heaven - covering all of the bases as they say, while all along upholding none of the tenants of their faith, or only those that they find convenient. Unfortunately they forget that if they had true faith they would see that their attempts at procuring a space in heaven are all for not.

Leaving the religious issue aside, giving the Obama an Honorary Doctorate for the crap that he supposedly did as an ACORN member diminishes the degree itself. If Obama can get one, then anyone can get one - maybe they should just sell them online.

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