Monday, October 3, 2011

Moving Along

It has been several months since my last post. Many things have been going in my life since March, my growing relationship with my lady, Lynda, my broken leg, which happened in August and the subsequent surgery to put a metal plate into my leg and now the recovery, which seems to be taking forever, but has really been all that long given the severity of the injury. Anyway, it is time to start once again blogging.


I am going to continue posting my political screeds under Gordian’s Rants, but since my views on politics now have mellowed – the usual frustration with the garbage we have to choose from for a replacement for the garbage currently in the White House – I also plan to start adding posts to my other blog – Gordian’s Brain. These posts will be more philosophical, artistic and intellectual – if such is possible. There are a lot of other things that I like to write about besides politics.