Monday, August 31, 2009

The Rise of Communism in the Americas

With the fall of the Soviet Union and the decline of world communism, except for China, which is really quite Capitalist overall, the left in this country has been looking for new idols to worship. They have always had Castro and his little Soviet country but that was not enough, but then along came Hugo Chavez the smarmy little thug of the South America country Venezuela. Cheers rose loud above the din of freedom - hail to the new communist of the west. With the rise of Chavez there has been a similar rise in South and Central America countries going communist. One Country - Honduras, though, chose an alternative path and tossed out its president that was trying to use the same tactics that Chavez had used to become communist dictator for life. The Hondurans would have none of that and booted him out of office and out of the country. And what did our illustrative bleeter do, he stood up strong and tall - wait for it - for the communists. The Obama told the Hondurans put the communist back in power or I will bring the full weight of my administration to bear on your puny freedom seeking country until you break. Well, Honduras hasn't broken yet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

When governments are ruled by juveniles

Sometimes I think that the best thing for my health would be to retire and move to some island country in the Caribbean and hang out on the beach and drink rum drinks. Living in America today and worrying about what stupid thing the Obama and his cabal are going to do next is taking its tool. In the entirety of American history the Obama has to be the least serious president we have ever had. He and his group of merry henchmen (I'm being politically incorrect here on purpose) are like a bunch of fresh-out college grads giddy with their idealistic socialist views of the world running around making this and that decree and trying to actually execute the Marx/Engle playbook. Of course they would not be so successful if it were not for the old guard cold war communists Pelosi and Reid. Every time the Obama or one of his minions open their mouths and talk their feet enter so deeply you can see them emerging from their tushes. Every liberal out their piled on Bush when he came to office and yet when they take an honest look at his tenure there is not a single serious issue that they can point to that didn't help this country become great. The first 8 months of the Obama's reign of terror has done more to diminish this country then all of the liberal reigns in our history. Every one of the Obama's helpers is a sad excuse for a human being and even more a sad excuse for an administrator. The Obama turns his back on every single bad decision made by Holder and others the are working to destroy our country.

The KGB Couldn't Have Done it Any Better

When they were first created the CIA and NSA were designed to provide the Commander in Chief, AKA the President of the United States the means and ability to make international decisions in the know. The CIA for all intents and purposes was a Government Agency and the NSA was under the tacit control of the DoD - one of many intelligence groups under its control. Prior to the Church Commission, the CIA was, though a bit shady at times, an effective agency and though not always successful in its missions it did provide the best intelligence any agency could to our president. Post Church the agency has been a mere shadow of itself - a political tool of radical liberal presidencies like Carter, Clinton and now the Obama. Bush tried to restore the agency to its former glory but given the liberal bent of certain Congress people and agency insiders to leak classified information to anybody and everyone especially the press it is hard for the CIA do be very effective at doing its job. Because of Church and liberal administrations we missed the fall of the Wall and 9/11. Now we have the nincompoop Holder trying to prosecute the very people that have kept his ass safe since 9/11. The NYTimes has a silly liberal leaning article this morning that uses such inflammatory words as "brutal" to describe CIA interrogation tactics like "threatening" to kill the terrorist's family. Panetta, as director of the CIA, is a liberal pansy unable to stand up against the communist ideologue Holder - and to be honest I don't think he intends to stand up to the Obama administration - he was put there to help kill the agency. I bet there are some old guard Soviet KGB agents wishing they had thought of getting a communist elected to the White House during the Cold War. All of their efforts were for naught then, but now with Communism in the White House we are on our way into the crapper.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Government Saves Foreign Auto Industry- Hah!

The brilliance of the Obama's cash for clunkers program, designed to help the ailing auto industry is brought home by this top 10 list of cars purchased under the program:

1. Toyota Corolla
2. Honda Civic
3. Toyota Camry
4. Ford Focus front-wheel drive
5. Hyundai Elantra
6. Nissan Versa
7. Toyota Prius
8. Honda Accord
9. Honda Fit
10. Ford Escape front-wheel drive

Hey, wait a minute, where's all of those Chevys and Dodges?? Somewhere down in the list are the GM products because the big trucks always sell. GM came in second overall in percentage sales behind Toyota and ahead of Ford, Honda, and Nissan. Part of the problem was the timing of the Debt for Clunkers roll out in July when many car companies are low on stock. This really hurt GM and Chrysler because of production cutbacks during their bankruptcy proceedings. Ford, which took no tax payer money, was not hurt so bad.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Death and Taxes

Overshadowing the death of the great socialist Ted Kennedy is news that the deficit (Which Kennedy helped create) for the fiscal year ending 30 September will be $1.6 Trillion! Yes, that is Trillion with a "T." The projected debt for the next 10 years will be $10+Trillion and these are numbers put out by the White House - not the right. How can Americans be happy about anything given the never ending future of taxes upon taxes to pay for the Liberal agenda of which, Kennedy was one of its most outspoken advocates. The Obama has taken Kennedy's agenda to the extreme left and Kennedy supported the move. Can we hope that with his death, may he rest in peace, that the voices of tax and spend are now 1 fewer? NO! There is always an extremist liberal to take his place.

Kennedy's Death Changes Nothing

The great liberal icon Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy has died - his brain killed him, being jealous that the first thinking tumor known to science was getting all of the attention. I know that it might be considered a bit cruel or inconsiderate to speak ill of the recently dead, but, unfortunately, Teddy Kennedy had become by the end of his life somewhat of a joke. The comedian Robin Williams had once referred to him as Jabba the Hut. He had become the caricature of the iconic Liberal. Though quite probably intellectually brilliant he was the very definition of the guilt ridden liberal white male. He, like all liberals, was unable to recognize that their liberal agenda did nothing for those that they claimed to be helping, but was solely for the purpose of assuaging the liberal guilt. As a politician he had no problems selling out America's great principals in favor of pushing the socialist agenda. He was lock, stock and barrel an Obamocrat at the end. I am saddened by the death of such a great figure of history - though it will not be kind to him, but I feel no guilt about the passage of one of America's worst socialists. Unfortunately his passage will change nothing. Under the Obama our country is on an out-of-control headlong rush to hell - in unfortunately, not a handbasket.

The Death of A Liberal

When I young, late 60's and early 70's before high school, I was a Kennedy child - by that I mean that as my family did - my mother that is (dad wasn't around that much) - I worshiped the Kennedys. In 1968 a couple of weeks before he was assassinated, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy made a whistle stop in our tiny town of Harrisburg Oregon. He gave a speech from the caboose balcony and then headed south to his death. I remember when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, though I was not quite 6 years old, because I remember my mother being quite distraught and crying. I remember how upset we were when news broke that Ted Kennedy had driven his car into a river and let a young woman die - how could this happen to a Kennedy? We hoped that it was not true - there had to be mitigating circumstances. Just over a year after his brother had died Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne, he let her drown. Now 40 years later the great liberal icon has died - not a horrible death, but a death from a brain tumor. It hard to speak ill of the dead, so I won't in this post. I hope that our Father in Heaven can forgive Kennedy for his lifetime of sins and at worst ban him to limbo. Ted Kennedy was not a repentent man. Rest in Peace Mr. Kennedy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liberals, America's New Criminal Class

As a follow up to my previous post, recently Chris Dodd was absolved of any wrong doing by a Senate ethics committee for his shady dealings with now defunct mortgage company Countrywide. These dealings by Dodd and others associated with the collapse of the mortgage market - Fwanks, Shummer, Rangle - Obama, have been swept under the rug. There will be no special investigator appointed by Holder to investigate a crime that has cost and is still costing, this country trillions of dollars and has wrecked millions of lives - and I am not talking about the deadbeats who have lost their homes, no I am talking about us tax payers who are paying to clean the mess up. Yet, there is a special investigator to reopen the investigation of interrogation techniques employed by the CIA that have saved countless American lives.

Obama Politics and the Art of Diversion

What do you do when you entire political agenda is in the toilet; you are being beat up by all sides and the reality is setting in that you and your entire administration is incompetent?? Well, if you are the Obama, you send your attack dog Eric Holder out to dig up more dirt on the Bush administration in a move that has all of the earmarks of trying to divert attention from your failures. This is a tactic that has been used by the left for generations, Clinton bombed a pharmaceutical plant and launch a missile up a camel's ass to divert attention from his Lewinsky affair. In a front page New York Times article today Holder claims:
“As attorney general, my duty is to examine the facts and to follow the law,” Mr. Holder said in a statement. “Given all of the information currently available, it is clear to me that this review is the only responsible course of action for me to take.”
That's liberal speak for "There isn't a damn bit of evidence for any real abuse, but the Master is in trouble so my job is to push the focus back onto Bush." The heavily redacted report probably hadn't even hit the streets before Holder was appointing a special investigator, John H. Durham. Here is one bit of information that I am sure the Obama and his pit bulls aren't considering - the report was generated by the CIA's IG in 2004 and there is no doubt that Congress has read the report and if in 5 years they have not found issue with the contents - unredacted - then why now does the Obama have problems with it?? These IG reports are not generated then lost in the shuffle. They are sanctioned by Congress - a Liberal Congress at that - and reported to the Congress. Clearly, given the timing and the Obama's political state this is clearly a move to move the public's eye from the Obama. He will get a spike in ratings from his far left political base as they hail Holder's actions as a move for justice - for murdering sacks of excrement, aka Terrorists. Clearly, if it were the other way around, those excrement bags would not just pretend to kill my family, they would kill my family.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Does Freedom Mean to You??

For many Americans, that is liberals, freedom isn't about making personal choices then taking responsibility for those choices. No, for them freedom means being able to act irresponsibly and getting away with it. Thus the primary reason why they fight so hard to keep abortion legal. Liberals screamed bloody murder when congress passed (and recently renewed) the Patriot Act. They saw it as an infringement on our civil liberties, which liberties it infringed upon they would never say. After 6 or 7 years no one can point to a single case of an individual having their civil rights infringed. Freedom means being able to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but not a right o sue because you got cancer - despite the warnings the you might. Freedom is being able to drive any type of car or truck that that you want. Freedom is not having your paycheck confiscated by the government to fund State mandated health care - which in the end only benefits a small percentage of the population, 75-80% of which are uninsured because of their own doing. This goes back to my original point that liberals view freedom as the ability to behave irresponsibly with no consequences. With rights comes responsibilities - so said a former president.

As government has grown (and socialism) and pervaded every aspect of our lives Americans having become lazy and dependent upon that government for just about everything. It is now accepted and expected that the lives of more than half of our population will be subsidized or paid for by the other less than fifty percent. I say "more than half" because I don't know the numbers. The numbers say that almost 50% of WORKING Americans pay no income taxes and of those at least 50% get some kind of government income credit. That non tax paying group makes up the largest share of our population when their families are included. In reality it is the top 5% of the population subsidizing 60-70% of the population. There is a middle group in there 25-30% of the population that struggles to feed itself - we call them the middle class.

The only thing the government owes Americans is to stay out of our way and stop stealing our money. People in this country have (well used to have) the freedom to take care of themselves and that is their sole responsibility - note that word. I don't owe anyone a house or a care of health care and they don't owe me the same.

Friday, August 14, 2009

DBW: DeadBeat Wars

For those of us with vested interest in the funding of National Security programs - it is our livelihood you might say - cutting funding for new technologies that could help save American lives in favor of domestic programs that encourage and fund more deadbeats doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Every dollar pissed off on some deadbeat American could just as easily be flushed down a toilet - doing so would cost thousands less than wasting it on welfare programs, because every dollar spent on some porkulus program will cost $1000's of additional dollars just to administer. A dollar spent on a DoD program is a job and that is what we need more jobs not more dead beats. WSJ article: A Laser Defense Hit. I have a great idea, why don't we make a huge net out of all of the deadbeats and launch it into space to catch incoming enemy missiles. Or better yet, when you get your handout check you have to volunteer to be a projectile for shooting down missiles. At least then you will be providing some useful service to your country other than being a doormat.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is no surprise that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be a bit testy when asked by a reporter about her husband's trip to North Korea. Diplomatically the trip served no purpose but it stroked the ego of their little pot-bellied dictator and that is what he wanted. The result was the release of two female reporters - whose business in NK for the Gore is still a bit murky. But you know what they say, "Stupid is as Obama does." Whoops I meant - oh heck, it's the same either way. Anyway, back to Hillary, since becoming Secretary of State under the Obama's regime she has been pushed off to the side and sent off on meaningless jaunts around the world, like this current one to the Dark Continent. Her multi-city trip to the deepest, darkest fourth world has absolutely no diplomatic significance. It is just the Obama tossing a bone to the home of his ancestors and getting Hillary out of the country while the "boys" take care of the real business of mucking up our foreign policy. It boils down to this, by marginalizing Hillary and sending her off on meaningless trips around the world - I hear the next place will be to Samoa for a head-hunter's ball - it pushes her political career into the toilet - figuratively and literally - she is in Africa after all. As a result, her chances of being on the presidential ballot in 2012 diminishes with each trip to another third(4th) world trash hole. So, to paraphrase Krauthammer, "Sure she's upset, she's in Kinshasa!"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Comparing Crap to Apples

Someone on Fox News this evening was trying to establish that the Sotomayor confirmation in terms of bipartisan support was in the middle between Roberts and Alito. It was nothing of the sort. It was clearly a rubber stamp confirmation in which a measly 9 ObamaRepubs voted for her - and not a single Obamacrat voted against her. In Roberts case 22 Democrats (not the Obama) and an Independent voted voted for him - 22 represents half of the 44 Democrat Senators. That was a bipartisan confirmation. Roberts intellectually beat the hell out of the Democrats and the smart ones had no choice but to vote for him - we'll say nothing of the 22 who did not. In the case of Alito it was 58 to 42, primarily along party lines. The Democrats (including the Obama) were intimidated by Alito's intellect and integrity and willingness to uphold the law and the Constitution. They did not want a true jurist on the bench. With Sotomayor the Obamocrats get their wish - they get a liberal yesman, and intellectually dishonest person who cares nothing of the law and the Constitution. After the confirmation the Obama gushed that the Senate's confirmation was affirmation of her intellect, independence of mind, blah, blah, blah. It was absolutely none of that because none of that is true. She lied her way through the hearings saying whatever would placate the public and the Repubs, and except for the nine ObamaRepubs, it appears that none were placated seeing through her BS. Now all we need is a way to keep the real judges on the Bench alive long enough to survive the Obama reign.

A good day to be Angry!

Today is a good day to be angry. Not at America, because despite the crud in Congress and in the White House, this is still a great country. But today is a good day to be angry at the start of the decline of our greatness. The confirmation of Sotomayor is a strike at the heart of our greatness, because it says to the world that we're not serious about justice, that race and feelings and ignorance are more important that being the best. The Obama from the day he began his squattership in the White House has demonstrated with each action that he cares nothing about America or the American people. His nomination of Sotomayor and the Obamasenate's confirmation gives new meaning to the phrase, "Garbage in, Garbage out." The Obamasenators didn't even debate the merits of the nominee they just slobbered on her and voted yes - master. Well, the left has gotten what they have always wanted, a true leftist idealogue, an unoriginal thinker that will push the party line.

Dumbing Down the Constitution

No surprise by a vote of 69 to 31 history's worst and by far leftist person has been confirmed as a Supreme Courtier. Thank goodness for, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Alito. The Obama has succeeded in making a spectacle of the Supreme Court by nominating Sotomayor and turning it into a place where anyone with a leftist thought and no true understanding of the Constitution can aspire. The Senate with the help of some left leaning Repubs, have give justification to the Obama's bad behavior, and have rubber stamped her confirmation. What a dark and sad day for America and our Judicial system. Tears to the court - a dark victory for identity politics!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The World is Dying from Global Ignorance

Bret Stephens, WSJ: Global Warming and the Poor
In other words, China’s pollution problems are not a function of laissez-faire policies and rampant consumerism, but of the regime’s excessive lingering control of the economy. A freer China means a cleaner China.
It is a sad state of affairs when a handful of ignorant policy wonks try to strong arm developing countries into cutting back on their "green house" gas emissions based on absolutely no supporting evidence that their emissions are cause a problem. Instead of calling it Global Warming we should call it Global Ignorance and ban the dangerous emissions spewing from the mouths of these ignoramuses.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Taxes and other Liberal Twinkie Lies

Nobody with half a brain, believed anything the Obama and his liberal Twinkies said about taxes and not raising the taxes on those who make under $250K. With each trillion in new spending that has been proposed by the Obama has come the realization, a realization that everyone but the Kool-Aid drinking Obamocrats has understood from the beginning, that he cannot pay for his reckless squandering on the backs of just the rich. It is now quite obvious to everyone who wants to open their eyes that the working middle class will once again carry the burden of the Obama's socialist programs. Byron York has a piece at the Washington Examiner: You can bet on it: Obama will raise your taxes,
Their concerns are entirely rational. Economists left and right have long argued that there is no way Obama can pay for a national health care makeover and a host of other expensive initiatives without breaking his campaign pledge not to raise taxes for anyone making less than $250,000. The wealthy are already paying a grossly disproportionate percentage of federal income taxes, and increasing taxes on them won't raise enough money to meet Obama's needs.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I went to the Farmer's Market today. I go every Saturday while it is open. Nothing like fresh vegetables and fruit. Governor Richardson's half a billion dollar boondoggle - The Railrunner - has brought some much needed revitalization to the old Santa Fe railyard area. There is the Farmer's Market and several retail shops - REI - and new restaurants filling up the buildings, which are nw clean. So, while it will cost NM tax payers millions a year to subsidize the boondoggle, whoops, Railrunner, it is helping a much needed part of Santa Fe.

Easy, when it is not your money

Sitting at the small, local hangout, Counter Culture waiting to take delivery of a huge breakfast cinnamon roll I can take a minute to post some thoughts. In the news the House gleefully voted to dump an extra couple of billion dollars of OPM (other people's money) into the cash-for-debt program - sometimes known as cash-for-perfectly good cars. Americans are already saddled with trillions of dollars of debt - credit cards, mortgages and car payments. So it just really makes a lot of sense to have a program that uses other people's money to increase that debt - NOT! Here's the Obama whining that Americans need to turn up their thermostats, drive less, eat less - stop being consumers. Then along comes: Let the government help increase your debt by buying a new car you don't need program! It is an interesting form of consumer socialism. The government will take working (in this case people with more money than I have) people's money and use it to put poor people further into poverty - and they say slavery is dead!