Friday, February 26, 2010

Summit Disaster

The stench of yesterday's health care summit will remain on the Obama and his minions - Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Democrat Rat Pack for the rest of the Obama's administration. the Obama called the Health Care summit as a way to make the Republicans look bad as obstructionist but in the end he had his lunch handed to him by a group of very well prepared Republican Congress People. the Obama, Reid and Pelosi stood no chance against the Repub Juggernaut. They, tO, R and P were expecting the Republicans to show and whine about the left's precious health care monstrosity but then found out that the Republicans weren't there to complain but to point out line by line to the American people and to the Obama and minions, just how bad the bill was. Watching segments of the summit on C-SPAN one could tell that the Obama was alternately humiliated and pissed off as each Republican in turn ripped him a new one. Never once was the Obama able to honestly field a question from the Repubs, he just fell back on trite responses that no one believes anymore. For the rest of the Obamacrats it was "Sob" Story after Sob Story. When you can't give a Substantive answer to a question you try to evade it by calling up some poor individual who is suffering because of the evil health insurance industry - in other words the 0.00000001% problem. On her radio show this morning Laura Ingram is holding the "Sob Story" Olympics. Callers are allowed to call in and present their own sob stories - which for the most part are falling way short in the medal standings against the stories the Obamacrats told yesterday. Everybody knows that there are people in America that need help. So, lets help them and leave those that don't need help alone - the first rule of medicine - do no harm. Just by being themselves the Obamacrats turned what could have been a major event to improve access to health care into a three-ring circus with the Obamacrats being the clowns.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye, Bye, Bayh

Even Bayh is packing it in, will not run for reelection, WSJ: Indiana's Bayh to Retire From Senate.
"To put it in the words I think most people can understand: I love working for the people of Indiana, I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress,'' Mr. Bayh said in Indianapolis.
If that doesn't say it all, then nothing else can. It's time for all of our congressmen to reassess their service, or lack thereof, in congress. In a recent poll the majority of those polled wanted to see the entire congress booted. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

Real Americans Talking About America

The following video is well worth watching, Taking Tea. I know that my following is tiny so connecting the few readers that I have with the other big league bloggers is one of my responsibilities.

Friday, February 12, 2010

the Obama's Retreat

Charles Krauthammer sums up the Obama's lack of a vision for America nicely: Closing the New Frontier
Obama's NASA budget perfectly captures the difference in spirit between Kennedy's liberalism and Obama's. Kennedy's was an expansive, bold, outward-looking summons. Obama's is a constricted inward-looking call to retreat.

Fifty years ago, Kennedy opened the New Frontier. Obama has just shut it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Global Climate Change Conference Canceled

The Global Climate Change Conference to held in DC was canceled - damn inconvenient snow got in the way!
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So, everyone is commenting on the fact that the Obama hasn't done as many press conferences as his predecessors, even George Bush; the last one being July 22, 2009. The twitter was caused by an impromptu appearance at a WH press briefing yesterday. The libs use this as evidence against those who say that the president is over exposed. Quite to the contrary, the president is never out of the view of a camera or a voice recorder, the president is everywhere all of the time to the point that he has become just one more bit of noise in an already over noisy world. He is just like the buzz from an un-tuned radio. The reason he doesn't do impromptu meetings with the press is that he cannot control the event. He has to have all of the events he attends scripted and closely controlled. Out of the blue questions are not allowed - he cannot answer them. If he gets the questions before an event he has time for his entourage to come up with a PC answer. Then he can get up before the cameras and his Teleprompter and sound like a great sage addressing the country's deepest concerns. In the end it's just more static in the air.

The Definition of Insanity

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This is the Obama's entire foreign policy plan with regard to Iran. He extends his hand and the smack him across the face with it and then he does it again and again and again, and each time he expects the Iranian Mullahs to do something different - but they don't and now they are within a couple of years of having a nuclear weapon. I wonder what the Obama's plan is for when Iran drops their bomb on Israel or worse yet, us? Will he once again extend his chard hand and get beat over the head with it??

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bipartisan Shut Up Session

Once again the Obamacrats led by their fearful leader, the Obama, are holding a bipartisan meeting - this one to talk about a jobs plan. But, as we all know and understand, for the Obama bipartisan is just code for opportunity to accuse the Republicans of being obstructionists. the Obama won't shut up long enough to listen to any ideas from the right and idiots Reid and Pelosi are genetically incapable of understanding reason. No, today's meeting is just another photo-op for the pres and his minions - stooges - and an opportunity to blame the right for all of the world's problems. What the Obama really needs to hold is a bipartisan shut up meeting in which he and the stooges have to remain quiet for at least 3 hours while the right presents to them a real plan for helping America out of its doldrums. One cannot guarantee that the Obama, Pelosi and Reid will be able to understand anything the Republicans say, but if the Republicans agree to use small words and lots of pictures - ah la the "See Dick and Jane Run" model, then they, the Three Stooges, might just get the idea.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Gotta Love Toyota

This thing with Toyota makes you think - Thank God it's with Toyota and not Government Motors or their bastard sibling Crysisler (spelling correct) that the gas peddle problem occurred, because at least you know that the problem will be resolved, fast, efficiently and to the customer's benefit, with Toyota. Likewise the Prius problem is a blessing in disguise - because all along those with brains know that the Global Warming crap is just that crap and so building dumb ass cars that look like turds on wheels was a stupid idea from the start - hopefully, but not really likely, the Prius might go the way of the dinosaur. I believe in America and buying America - just not Government or Union America.

the Obama Arrogance

Sarah Palin has rightfully criticized the Obama as spending too much time lecturing and too little time listening. Recently, Charles Krauthammer wrote a great column about the Obama's tendency to talk down to the American public as though we were some sort of ignorant hayseeds. It has become fashionable for the left to elevate liberal lawyers to the status of Intellectual gods. Note that I say liberal lawyers. Certainly when it comes to intellectual power, Justice Roberts, Justice Scalia and Justice Alito are far and away superior to the Obama and everyone in his White House club, but they never get the liberal nod to the ascendancy of god status. No, that honor is relegated to the left's hack lawyers and judges - think Sotomayor.

Even I consider myself to be intellectually superior to the Obama. I may not understand socialist theory as well as he does but on nearly every other subject I have bested him in every way. I have a far better education as a physicist - and not a theorist, but as an actual experimentalist - and I understand the futility of continuing down dead end paths when the data clearly show that a theory is wrong. This is something that the Obama does not understand. Despite decades of data that have proven that his pet socialist theories are wrong and don't work he continues to try and implement them. So, when he is in front of a camera somewhere and every day he is, and he is lecturing us, one only has to think of snake oil salesmen to understand where he is going and attempting to take America.

The Socialization of the Americas

As Europe begins to awake from 70 years of the black hole of socialism, the west begins to descend deeper into the socialist hell-hole: Argentina Seizes the Central Bank.

The Americas' Socialist Triad:
the Obama
Hugo Chavez
Cristina Kirchner

The "Piling on" Effect

Now its Andrew Cuomo's turn to pile on the banks in an effort to cover up their own complicity in the current economic debacle, which as we learn almost every day, is in fact the result of past liberal socialist attempts to level the playing field by manipulating outcome rather than effort. WSJ has a great column about Cuomo's attack on the Bank of America: Prosecutor, Charge Thyself.
Before he pursued statewide office in New York, Andrew Cuomo was Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during Bill Clinton's second term. And lest you think his tenure is forgotten, the HUD Web site has an instructive item in its Archives section.

Entitled, "Highlights of HUD Accomplishments 1997-1999," the document chronicles the "accomplishments under the leadership of Secretary Andrew Cuomo, who took office in January 1997."

HUD's Web visitors learn that in 1999 "Secretary Cuomo established new Affordable Housing Goals requiring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—two government sponsored enterprises involved in housing finance—to buy $2.4 trillion in mortgages in the next 10 years. This will mean new affordable housing for about 28.1 million low- and moderate-income families. The historic action raised the required percentage of mortgage loans for low- and moderate-income families that the companies must buy from the current 42 percent of their total purchases to a new high of 50 percent—a 19 percent increase—in the year 2001."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Death of the American Spirit

The demise of the NASA Constellation program and the decision that going to the moon is not a the Obama priority leads me to conclude that the Obama is just another in a long string of small minded presidents leading back to Bush Sr. The last great president with a real vision for this country was Reagan. Reagan was followed by 20 years of mediocrity and not it appears it will be 24 or 28 years - depending on whether or not the Obama gets a second term. Reagan was followed by Bush Sr. then the first Philanderer, Bush Jr. and now Bush League. Not one of them had/has the qualities of leadership. Bush Sr., riding on the coattails of a great president was sunk by his own ho-hum nature and an inability to control an inept congress. Clinton was the everyman president representing all that is base and lazy about this nation - thus his popularity with the bubbas. The fact that he was a Rhodes scholar made him popular with the shallow yuppie class of cheating husbands and wives. In eight years he accomplished not one single thing as president - if it were not for a great republican congress those would have been truly a lost 8 years. Bush Jr. rode into office without a true mandate and immediately proceeded to rebuild America's image not as a bunch of moral-less wimps. Unfortunately, but the time he came to office his congress was on the decline and though he put forward a strong international agenda his domestic agenda was more like that of the liberal left - which in the end pissed off a lot of Americans. Then, history's worst congress, under Pelozi and Reid came to power and everything went to hell from there. Bush, as most presidents are, was blamed for congress' destruction of our economy and with him the republicans. So, instead of Americans voting in a real president they voted in an idiot - the Obama. This snot-nosed neophyte came into office, backed by an incompetent congress, with a socialist agenda and immediately declared that America is just another mediocre country last the rest of the world and it was his job to bring us into harmony with the rest of socialist world. He started hobnobbing with Latin American thugs like Chavez and Castro and snubbed our true friends, Israel, England and Australia. His massive liberal arrogance has lead him to alienate most of working-class America in favor of the over educated snob-class, what most of us call the phony class - elitist theorists without a single ounce of common sense. the Obama presidency will mark an historic shift away from people-oriented common sense administration to a theory based utopian ruling class.

So how does the cancellation of Constellation fit in here? Well, its cancellation signals that this administration is as vapid as the previous three administrations. There is nothing new or original about the Obama's presidency. He works hard to get left of Pelosi and Reid and the only thing new is that now we have both a socialist president and congress and they are doing a lot of harm to the country. the Obama is about big government and dependency on big government and not on advancing the horizons for our nation by infusing a new sense of adventure and big thinking. No, the Obama is just another run-of-the-mill small thinker. His vision for America is one that we have heard since the time of Karl Marx and Engle. Bush Jr. tried half-halfheartedly to spark our sense of adventure; to spark our urge to explore the universe, but it was only halfhearted. Now the Obama has thrown a wet blanked on the fire and has almost completely killed the flame. the Obama will be remembered as the president that killed the American spirit.