New Mexico Dachshund Rescue is a wonderful organization that attempts to find and provide new homes for the four-legged critters of the Doxie persuasion. My wife and I have been members for several years now and specialize in fostering the medically needy Dachshunds – mostly those that have back problems. We attempt to rehabilitate the ones that have had back surgery. We have been reasonably successful though we have had couple who have refused to even try to learn how to walk again. For them we purchase carts from Doggon’ Wheels. We have kept several of the Rescue Doxies but most end up in wonderful loving homes. Here’s a picture of the girls, all of which have come to us through NMDR and stayed. On the left is Heidi. When she came to us she had had surgery but was not yet walking. After a few months was rampaging around the house on all fours. In the middle is our most recent family member, Sugar from Lubbock Texas. She has had back surgery and walks fairly well, though she also spends a lot of time scooting around on her butt! On the right is Rosie. She came to us from eastern New Mexico and by the time we got her it was too late for surgery to help. She doesn’t walk with all fours unless she is on a not skid surface like a carpet then she gets around pretty good – they call it spinal walking. She has not control on the legs for scratching or pushing her rear end up off the floor.
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