Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stupid is, As the Obama Does

He waits three days before addressing the nation regarding the near disaster on a plane from Europe to America - on Christmas Day by the way, where a Terrorist from Nigeria - trained in Yemen by Al Queada, nearly blows the plane up, and in his address he reads a "press" release statement - blame Bush. Yes indeed it was a catastrophic failure of the system, and we can blame Bush for allowing another worthless government organization to come into existence - TSA, which eventually led to the mess on Christmas day. Anyone who flies knows that none of the junk that you go through at the security gates is worth a crap at stopping terrorists - because of the PC world we live in everyone but the terrorists are harassed. What was TSA's response to their failure on Christmas Day - punish the honest traveler by restricting him to his seat for the last hour of the flight, seated like a robot with hands on their knees. The real failure, though, is the Obama's inability to accept that terrorists exist, they are 99.99% Islamic, and male. His Home Land Security wonk, Napolitano, is even more inept than the Obama - but was regurgitating the Obama's party line - no Terrorists, no problem, the system worked. The scary part is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Terrorists know that the Obama is weak on national defense, they know that the TSA is nothing but a facade, and they know that when it comes to terrorists the current system couldn't detect one if he walked up and introduced himself, (which is essentially what this terrorist did before getting on the Delta flight to the US) and showed the person at the gate his bomb - the 90 year old grandmother would still be felt up just to show the terrorist that we don't profile. Maybe it is time to make the Obama start flying on commercial airlines and put his life in the hands of the morons at the security gate - wonder if it would lead to a change?

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