The economy is still pretty much in the doldrums despite the inflation adjusted rate for the last quarter of 2009 of 4.6%. The libs the Obama were quick to jump on this number as a sign that their economic stimulus program is working. Well, they are FLAT wrong as usual. Not one point of that growth can be associated in anyway with stimulus funds - most of which went to social programs that actually probably led to the growth rate being a few points lower than it might have been without the stimulus. The 4.6% number is only 2.4 points above the year's rate of 2.2% growth and almost all of the 2.4% extra growth was a result of companies increasing inventory. The year before last and into most of last year companies let their inventories fall to record lows. But a few people - and there are always some who can even in an economic downturn - are buying goods so companies are increasing inventories to cover the current buying - which is way down compared to a year and a half ago. Most companies are not expecting a big increase in customer buying so they are not stocking large inventories - just enough to cover what is being bought. Those that received stimulus funds - welfare - are not the ones supporting the economy - they are just covering their daily bills. Of course the Obamacrats are using the growth number as an excuse to push for more stimulus money.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
the Obama Kills Jobs Opportunity
In another amazingly bold and stupid move, the Obama kills America's chance to go back to the moon: Obama to End NASA Constellation Program.
On the eve of the fullest moon of the year, NASA scientists were told they won't be able to visit any longer. In his new budget, President Obama plans to eliminate the space program's manned moon missions.
This is typical liberal socialism. The Obama does not want to fund programs that have the chance of creating thousands of high-tech jobs for the educated - that runs counter to his plans to have everyone dependent on the government for their existence. What NASA should have told the president is, that rather than create jobs and put thousands to work by having another Apollo style program, going to the moon would make it easier for NASA to manufacture evidence of global warming.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Revolution - Maybe, but don't count out the Leftist Machine
Brown beats Coakley in Massachusetts, 52% to 47% - Republicans take traditionally socialist seat in Senate. Coakley ran on the premise that she was entitled to the former Ted Kennedy senate seat. Left has promised to cheat to win their socialist agenda. Despite the White House's attempt to downplay the significance of the Massachusetts results this really was a vote against the Obama and not so much for Republicans. Coakley lost as much because of the Obama as she did for her inept conduct of her campaign - this is a loss for the Obama.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Liberal Fallacy Regarding Terrorism
Great column by Anne Applebaum at the WPO: We need a smarter way to fight the jihadi elite. It reminds of what John O'Sullivan wrote in the National Review back on Nov. 5, 2001, almost two months after 9/11. Both point out that the leaders of terrorism and a great many of the practioners of terror are not poor downtrodden souls but in fact come from rich families and are highly educated. The terrorist leader may be able to recruit from the poor and the ignorant to provide fodder for their terror-cannons but terror isn't about poverty. It would be nice if the left would let go of that fallacy and face up to the fact that they are being outsmarted by the terrorists - not hard given that most chickens are smarter than your average liberal.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Titles of Respect
Recently I was sent an email - a letter sent by an individual to Barbara Boxer - person for California holding a seat in the senate. It was regarding Boxer's chastisement of Brigadier General Michael Walsh for using the term ma'am instead of senator when addressing Boxer. The letter, which I am sure went unread by the fat headed Boxer pointed out that ma'am is a term of respect used by those in the military. When the liberals took control of congress 4+ years ago, titles like Senator, Representative and now in 2009 with the election of the Obama, President, are titles of no respect. Saying Senator so and so is like saying prisoner XXXXX. the Obama has totally denigrated the title of president. One might as well say, Mr. Idiot for all the title is worth now. It is hard not being disrespectful to a bag of people who do not hold those who put them in office with respect. These idiot-viduals have forgotten that they work for us not the other way around and that their "titles" have no meaning if the American public does not hold the barer in respect. When it comes to the Obamacrats I have absolutely no respect for any of them - NONE. So, to me, their titles are mere labels for a bunch of idiots.
The Liberal Double Standard: Okay to be a racist if you are an Obamacrat
Harry Reid insults all African-Americans (the hyphenated term for a group of people who would rather be known as something other than Americans) ("...'light-skinned' black man with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.") and gets away with it -and even confirms that that was his intent by saying in his apology, "I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words," as if there was a better choice of words and way to phrase the insult. When former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, made remarks praising Strom Thurmond in 2002, "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we [Mississippians] voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either." The media jumped all over this because at the time the Strom Thurmond ran for president he was a segregationist, a term that Lott did not use nor did he imply at the time he made his comments. It was the media that inserted the term and brought it out into the open and used it to beat up Mr. Lott. Lott apologized, something he really did not need to do because he was not praising Mr. Thurmond's segregationist view, but his strong conservative view, but it did no good. The left was on the warpath and the blacks were up in arms (being redundant here a bit), Lott was a racist and he had to go. He resigned. Well, if Lott had to resign for nothing, then surely Reid has to go for something. Unlike Lott's unintended media implied comment, Reid's comments were pure racism - no media help making them so. He intended what he said and still stands by what he said. The difference is, though, Lott was doing great work for the country, Reid is trying to destroy the country on behalf of the socialist Obama party - Lott bad, Reid good.
Another Lie by the Obama
Billions pissed away and no change in unemployment: Billions of stimulus dollars didn't affect unemployment.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Failure of Big Government To Do Its Job
It is always hard to take liberals seriously when they only present half of the truth on a subject. Take for example this WSJ column, by their token ultra-leftist, Thomas Frank, on Rep Paul Ryan. Frank says in the article that the repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act, which Ryan supported (and so did a lot of Democrats and Clinton who signed the repeal) led to the mortgage meltdown. Libs always say that, we always need new regulations and we should never repeal old regulations - Glass-Steagel dates back to 1932 and was a highly restrictive piece of legislation whose time had passed. Instead of enforcing exiting laws against certain behavior the libs want to just keep restricting the ability to do business to the point that business stop - can't have anything go bad if you're not conducting any business is their motto. By killing off business with ever restrictive laws they ensure that government plays a bigger role in our lives. TARP was a bad idea made worse by the Obamacrats. The repeal of Glass-Steagel was a good thing that pointed out the flaw of our existing regulating agencies - they don't do their jobs - Buy hey, they're the gov-ment and they're here to help!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year All
Welcome everyone to the last year of the first decade of the 21st Century. The last 9 years have been tumultuous but not without hope - that is until this last year (2009) when a dark malevolent presence descended upon our country. Those of us with faith know that we are being tested by Satan and his minions and that we must remain true to our faith and know that the Lord, our God, will remove this pretender as he has all before him, the Obama. I do not mean to sound apocalyptic, but if the Obama gains another term, and if his witless minions remain in control of our legislative body beyond 2010, it will be a dark time indeed as socialism/communism descends upon our great nation. I predict that within 2 years the thug Chavez and others of the communist Latin American countries will be extended full and open welcomes to the White House. The destruction of our health care system will embroil most of us in a struggle just to survive and that will give Satan and his minions opportunity to further tighten their grip on our great nation. The Obama and his ilk must go and that means the dimwits Reid and Pelosi - when you think of them, think of the movie "Dumb and Dumber" but remember that they, Pelosi and Reid, fall well below that of the intelligence of an Amoeba.
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