Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obamonomics - stupid is as the Obama does!

The economy is still pretty much in the doldrums despite the inflation adjusted rate for the last quarter of 2009 of 4.6%. The libs the Obama were quick to jump on this number as a sign that their economic stimulus program is working. Well, they are FLAT wrong as usual. Not one point of that growth can be associated in anyway with stimulus funds - most of which went to social programs that actually probably led to the growth rate being a few points lower than it might have been without the stimulus. The 4.6% number is only 2.4 points above the year's rate of 2.2% growth and almost all of the 2.4% extra growth was a result of companies increasing inventory. The year before last and into most of last year companies let their inventories fall to record lows. But a few people - and there are always some who can even in an economic downturn - are buying goods so companies are increasing inventories to cover the current buying - which is way down compared to a year and a half ago. Most companies are not expecting a big increase in customer buying so they are not stocking large inventories - just enough to cover what is being bought. Those that received stimulus funds - welfare - are not the ones supporting the economy - they are just covering their daily bills. Of course the Obamacrats are using the growth number as an excuse to push for more stimulus money.

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