Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Death of the American Spirit

The demise of the NASA Constellation program and the decision that going to the moon is not a the Obama priority leads me to conclude that the Obama is just another in a long string of small minded presidents leading back to Bush Sr. The last great president with a real vision for this country was Reagan. Reagan was followed by 20 years of mediocrity and not it appears it will be 24 or 28 years - depending on whether or not the Obama gets a second term. Reagan was followed by Bush Sr. then the first Philanderer, Bush Jr. and now Bush League. Not one of them had/has the qualities of leadership. Bush Sr., riding on the coattails of a great president was sunk by his own ho-hum nature and an inability to control an inept congress. Clinton was the everyman president representing all that is base and lazy about this nation - thus his popularity with the bubbas. The fact that he was a Rhodes scholar made him popular with the shallow yuppie class of cheating husbands and wives. In eight years he accomplished not one single thing as president - if it were not for a great republican congress those would have been truly a lost 8 years. Bush Jr. rode into office without a true mandate and immediately proceeded to rebuild America's image not as a bunch of moral-less wimps. Unfortunately, but the time he came to office his congress was on the decline and though he put forward a strong international agenda his domestic agenda was more like that of the liberal left - which in the end pissed off a lot of Americans. Then, history's worst congress, under Pelozi and Reid came to power and everything went to hell from there. Bush, as most presidents are, was blamed for congress' destruction of our economy and with him the republicans. So, instead of Americans voting in a real president they voted in an idiot - the Obama. This snot-nosed neophyte came into office, backed by an incompetent congress, with a socialist agenda and immediately declared that America is just another mediocre country last the rest of the world and it was his job to bring us into harmony with the rest of socialist world. He started hobnobbing with Latin American thugs like Chavez and Castro and snubbed our true friends, Israel, England and Australia. His massive liberal arrogance has lead him to alienate most of working-class America in favor of the over educated snob-class, what most of us call the phony class - elitist theorists without a single ounce of common sense. the Obama presidency will mark an historic shift away from people-oriented common sense administration to a theory based utopian ruling class.

So how does the cancellation of Constellation fit in here? Well, its cancellation signals that this administration is as vapid as the previous three administrations. There is nothing new or original about the Obama's presidency. He works hard to get left of Pelosi and Reid and the only thing new is that now we have both a socialist president and congress and they are doing a lot of harm to the country. the Obama is about big government and dependency on big government and not on advancing the horizons for our nation by infusing a new sense of adventure and big thinking. No, the Obama is just another run-of-the-mill small thinker. His vision for America is one that we have heard since the time of Karl Marx and Engle. Bush Jr. tried half-halfheartedly to spark our sense of adventure; to spark our urge to explore the universe, but it was only halfhearted. Now the Obama has thrown a wet blanked on the fire and has almost completely killed the flame. the Obama will be remembered as the president that killed the American spirit.

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