Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The 1960s and Vietnam - Liberal Failures

I grew up during the 1960's and Vietnam. The 60's was a strange decade for America. It was a decade of both great achievement and disappointment. In 1969 Americans walked on the moon to close a decade of great hope for mankind and in particular America. It was also the decade of Civil Rights - which ended with the murder of Martin Luther King. Unfortunately it was also the decade of Vietnam, the entrenchment of the Welfare State and the rise of radical liberalism. The world has only been living under the threat of radical Islam for about 30 years - and only in the last 20 years or so has it become extreme - but America has been living under the even more destructive force of radical liberals for over 40 years. It started in the 1960's with a generation of boomers unappreciative of the sacrifices their parents made during the Great Depression and WWII. It is the era that spawned the Clintons and now the Obama; people so unappreciative of being Americans and ungrateful for all that has been down for them to provide a free and safe country to live in. The 1960's also marked the beginning of decline of the democrat president - first with Johnson and his monstrous welfare state, the Great Society and his failed foreign policy in Vietnam; followed by Carter and his failures around the world and his tossing of the Shah of Iran under the bus of radical Islam; Clinton and the rise of the Nuclear North Korea and the continued spread of radical Islam and now the Obama. Every major failure in foreign policy can be tired to the Democrats - a democrat congress snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam. We had won that war and had forced the North Vietnamese to sign the Paris Peace Accords in 1973, that were completely an acknowledge of defeat. It was the liberal congress 2 years later that refused to fund and support the South Vietnamese when the North began its efforts anew to take the south - eventually succeeding in 1975. There was an influx of nearly 500,000 Vietnamese to this country in search of American freedom and opportunity - the Boat People. One should note that these Vietnamese immigrants have, as a whole, been far more successful than the African-Americans in this country with none of the vast benefits and opportunities given the African-Americans. Another testament to the failures of liberalism.

We lost Iran under Carter and that inevitably led to 9/11 and all that went wrong in Iraq. Had Carter been a strong world leader rather than a sappy domestic failure most of the middle mess would never have happened - even Afghanistan.

As a big amateur historian - especially American history - the 1960's are a hard era for me to study. I have personal experiences of that time - I remember where I was and what I was doing when man stepped on the moon. My office is full of Apollo era stuff. But it was also a decade that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I remember the war protests and the draft dodgers and I hated them. The 1960's also saw the beginning of the truly biased media - the news refused to report the successes of the war but were more than willing to make sure everyone knew the daily death count and any atrocity that our troops committed whether on purpose or accidentally. Most of the history from the 1960s and most of what we think we know of the Vietnam war has been written and thus tainted by liberal revisionist historians so I have a hard time even reading about the 1960s unless it is about the Apollo project. Bill Bennett had on his Morning In America radio show this morning Bruce Herschensohn talking about his new book, "An American Amnesia." I immediately ordered the book as it promises to be one of the few true histories of the Vietnam war. I don't even watch movies about Vietnam - except the John Wayne movie, The Green Berets. As I am discovering most history written by the libs are basically empty and full of downright lies.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Socialists in Action

Several large corporations, Caterpillar, John Deere, AT&T and several other companies have come out with their estimates of the immediate costs to their profits that the Obamacare will have. Unsurprisingly the socialists, led by the Obama, have attacked the companies and are now calling for hearings to get to the bottom of this blasphemy against the Messiah. Should any corporate CEO change their story under pressure from the Obamacrats they should immediately be told to step down, because they have lied, either by saying there would be severe financial impact or in front of the Truth Squads when they change their stories.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lip Lock

I am still wondering, after Biden's nauseating speech eulogizing the Obama, how long it took to remove his, Biden's, lips from the Obama's ass. Must have taken most of the rest of the day and well into the night!

The plight of minorities in America

On the drive down from Santa Fe this morning I was listening to Bill Bennett's Morning in America radio show. At the end of his last segment of the morning he spoke briefly about the drug legalization movement, which seems to be on the upswing again. Bennett mentioned a forum that he attended when he was drug czar. At that forum was Charlie Rangle and all Rangle could harp on was the need to identify the root causes. While Bennett didn't totally disagree with Rangle's position but the most important thing to do first was to get the drugs and dealers off the streets and in prison - to free the communities from the dealers that were preying on them. Yes there are problems in the ghettos that need to be addressed - root causes that are blamed on poverty by the social engineers. Actually, the real root cause of problems in the ghettos is the lack of personal responsibility and the government and its armies of social engineers that continually tell the minorities and poor people, that fill up the ghettos, that they cannot stand up on their own and succeed without the government and that all of their problems can be blamed on hardworking non-minority Americans. Interestingly, if sadly, the drug dealers themselves are the counter to this argument. They epitomize the American entrepreneurial spirit - even though it is illegal. They are very much like the original Italian Americans that became the roots of the Mafia. The downside to this drive to riches is that these dealers are victimizing their own people - minorities and families of their communities. The liberals over the decades have convinced blacks and other minorities that they are incapable of succeeding without the government. They have convinced blacks that if they just depend on the government their lives will be better. Too many black babies are born out of wedlock - a result of liberal undermining of moral standards - give condoms and we all know that they are going to have sex anyway - it is the lazy way to solve a problem. Rather than teach them responsibility we give them condoms and toss them over. Pop culture tells young blacks that the route to success is to become a rapper or a sports star - these are the 0.01% people - rather than working hard in high school and college or learning a vocation. Minorities are led to believe that these are not glamorous routes to riches. Well, maybe they are not but it is rare for a carpenter or plumber or lawyer or doctor to be shot by another carpenter, plumber, lawyer or doctor. The mortality rate among young black men is through the roof and most of it is a result of other young black men. So, how do we help the plight of the minorities - stop giving them crutches to use as excuses for failing - to paraphrase George Bush, "We need to stop the soft bigotry of low expectations." We need to get drugs out of the ghettos - we need, as Bill Bennett says, "Send in the sheriffs," and clean up the drugs and get rid of those who prey on their fellow community members. Then we start teaching these children that their future is totally depended on their own initiatives and willingness to work hard and succeed. If you cannot teach them that then they will never succeed and get out of the debilitating environment of the ghettos.

Monday, March 22, 2010

America joins the Socialist Union of the Americas

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-MI sells out for an empty promise on abortion from his lord Messiah, the Obama. the Obama can executive order all he wants but they don't carry the weight of law and federally funded abortion is now law. In the end I think that Stupak didn't want to be seen as anything but a hardcore liberal so he voted for that image rather than for the American people. So, now that the Obama and the lemmings have their bill let's stop calling it health care reform and call it what it is - another liberal social welfare program. This bill was never about health care it was about securing a huge voting block for the libs. Next comes amnesty for illegal aliens - the Obama's mentor Hugo Chavez would be proud and it would not surprise me if the fat little pig declares today a national holiday in Venezuela to celebrate the socialization of America.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The World's New National Socialist Party - the Obamacrats

As we approach the precipice of one the most historic events in American history the Obamacrats have turned a deaf ear to the American people. the Obamacrats in what has to be the most arrogant attitude ever, have decided that they know what is best for all and have decided to move forward with their health care monstrosity. The passage of their bill will not be seen as historic because it will be the greatest piece of legislation in history, it will be seen as historic because of the catastrophic damage it will do to our health care system. Rather than fix the known problems with access to health care insurance they, the Obamacrats, have chosen to socialize medicine instead. The CBO came out with a silly scoring of the bill to be, amazingly, less than $1 Trillion and to save $1.3 Trillion over 20 years. the Obamacrats were ecstatic - all the while knowing that they were lying to the Americans. The bill will cost 10's of Trillions over 20 years and will save not one penny; no liberal social bill in history has ever saved a dime.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Deflating the big lie

In the Washington Post this morning: Obama's illusions of cost-control.
One job of presidents is to educate Americans about crucial national problems. On health care, Barack Obama has failed.

"Yes We Can (piss you off)"

Few people know, because the State-Run Media doesn't report it, but the now infamous phrase that has come out of the Obama's Hope and Change campaign - "Yes we can," is only part of the actual phrase that the Obama and his team uses. The complete phrase is: "Yes we can - piss you off." Every day a new group or a country is being pissed off by the Obama. On the foreign policy front long time reliable allies are pissed off at the Obama - England over the Falkland Island issue and Israel because the Obama keeps on supporting Palestinian terrorists. Right here at home it is the American people. They have been telling the Obama in droves that they don't want his health care monstrosity and he just plain ignores them. His mouth piece, Robert Gibbs on one of the morning propaganda shows said that the Obama doesn't pay any attention to polls. I believe that, the polls say Americans don't want something and the Obama says, that they don't know what they want - He is the Messiah and he knows what is best for us. the Obama is either the stupidest president in history or he is just that arrogant - take your pick, either way it is bad.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Fuzzy Constituion

In today's WSJ: The Second Amendment and the States. To me this case, McDonald v. Chicago, if it goes the wrong way, i.e. Chicago's ban on hand guns is upheld could actually lead to some serious problems for Gun Owners. The Constitution does not grant any rights to individuals. The Bill of Rights only enumerates a set of rights that the founders thought sufficiently important to ensure that it was clearly spelled out that the US government could not infringe upon them. Arguments are being made that the Constitution is only applies to the federal government - thus conceivably that within our own States we have no rights protected by the Bill of Rights if the said states choose not to uphold them. Therefore it is possible that in some states that one would have no freedom of speech or religion. But time after time the Supreme Court has protected those rights (religion is hardly ever protected unless you are Muslim). So, if McDonald is allowed to stand then it is possible that guns across the US could be banned except on Federal Lands just by each state banning the right individually. The 14th Amendment is always being touted as prohibiting this but the arguments seem to fall short of the 2nd Amendment.