Friday, March 19, 2010

The World's New National Socialist Party - the Obamacrats

As we approach the precipice of one the most historic events in American history the Obamacrats have turned a deaf ear to the American people. the Obamacrats in what has to be the most arrogant attitude ever, have decided that they know what is best for all and have decided to move forward with their health care monstrosity. The passage of their bill will not be seen as historic because it will be the greatest piece of legislation in history, it will be seen as historic because of the catastrophic damage it will do to our health care system. Rather than fix the known problems with access to health care insurance they, the Obamacrats, have chosen to socialize medicine instead. The CBO came out with a silly scoring of the bill to be, amazingly, less than $1 Trillion and to save $1.3 Trillion over 20 years. the Obamacrats were ecstatic - all the while knowing that they were lying to the Americans. The bill will cost 10's of Trillions over 20 years and will save not one penny; no liberal social bill in history has ever saved a dime.

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