Monday, April 12, 2010

Sorrow for Poland

Sorry to have been so late with this but our prayers go to the people of Poland for their loss. Their President, Lech Kaczynski and his wife, along with many others from the Polish government died when their plane crashed in Russia. What a tragic loss to a country that has suffered so much throughout the 20th century - first under the brutality of the Nazis then under the Soviets. Their country helped lead the way to the end of the Soviet empire. Recently, the Obama gave a back of the hand slap to the Polish people over missile defense and his desire to appease the Russian government. America has a huge Polish presence and they have over the decades been the brunt of so many jabs - Polock Jokes, etc, and then they are basically dismissed, as so many hard working American's are by our socialist president. God bless Poland and the Polish People.

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