Monday, June 28, 2010
The Triumph of Socialism
On today's WSJ Opinion page: The Triumph of the Regulators.
We could go on, but perhaps the best summary is to hail Dodd-Frank as the crowning achievement of the Obama "reform" method. In the name of responding to a crisis, the bill greatly increases the power of politicians and regulators without addressing the real causes of that crisis. It makes credit more expensive and punishes business without reducing the chances of a future panic or bailouts.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
If they only had a brain!
From the Washington Examiner's Susan Ferrechio, Under fire on deficits, Dems try budget alternative
"It's an election year and the problem is, to keep the economic recovery going, you have to keep spending money," said another Democratic aide close to the budget process. "You can't really cut back and keep the economy going but when you do that, you keep running up the deficit and people don't like to vote for budgets with big deficits."
That first line pretty well sums up the Demo's lame economics.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Job Creation the Obama Style
the Obama urges his minions in congress to pass a $50B emergency bill to save public sector (mostly union) jobs, police, firefighters and teachers. In the mean time the private sector is still bleeding jobs at an alarming rate - the Obama's solution to that is to put a bigger bite on job creators and already severely pinched tax payers to save his beloved unions.
Other Peoples' Money
So, the Obama bilks BP out of 20 Billion to put into a trust fund to help out people affected by the Obama's inaction. He has absolutely no Constitutional authority to do what he's doing - oh, I forgot, he doesn't pay attention to the Constitution. I'm wondering, though, is the Obama going to kick in a few buck from his own wallet - after all, the blow may be BP's fault, but the resulting mess is his.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A total lack of leadership
So, the president gives a speech to the nation about the gulf disaster - a day(60 days) late, and a dollar(billions) late). All politics and no plan of attack.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Stranger in a Strange Land
From Mark Steyn, an apt view of our so called president: The Very Model of a Modern Major Generalist.
And so the Gulf spill was an irritation, but he dutifully went through the motions of flying in to be photographed looking presidentially concerned. As he wearily explained to Matt Lauer, “I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain, talking . . . ” Good grief, what more do you people want? Alas, he’s not a good enough actor to fake it. So the more desperately he butches up the rhetoric — “Plug the damn hole!”; “I know whose ass to kick” — the more pathetically unconvincing it all sounds.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Not a leader the Obama
As a follow up to my previous post on the Obama and his failure as a leader to handle the crisis in the gulf is a column by Mitt Romney in USAToday, a great read: We need a leader, not a Politician. There are so many great quotes in this column that it would do it injustice to put one here, read it and you will know that I am not the only who thinks that the Obama is not a leader but just an amateur politician.
The Politics of Oil Spills
From the beginning of the gulf oil disaster, the Obama administration rather than mounting an all hands on deck response to the disaster he has instead attempted to leverage the event for political gain. the Obama team swung into full campaign mode and began full frontal assault on the oil companies and the former Bush administration. In the mean time thousands of gallons of crude continued to spew into the gulf and has begun to wash ashore on beaches and marshlands. In concert with the Obama's bleating Waxman and company have began marshal their forces to start the "Truth" hearings. It is very important that they divert blame from the Obama and his minions and place squarely on the shoulders of the Bush administration. Meanwhile, the oil continues to flow and BP is doing everything it can to stem the flow. States are pleading with the government to allow them to take action against the monstrous oil slick approaching their shores. In what can only be called a comedy of errors dozens of government agencies are tripping all over themselves claiming jurisdiction for this and that and at same time pointing fingers and passing blame whenever something goes wrong. This is the very definition of liberal-big government. Not even the Three Stooges could match the buffoonery of the Obama Administration.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The economically ignorant Left
In today's WSJ a column by Daniel Klein: Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
"...percentage of conservatives answering incorrectly was 22.3%, very conservatives 17.6% and libertarians 15.7%. But the percentage of progressive/very liberals answering incorrectly was 67.6% and liberals 60.1%. The pattern was not an anomaly."
the Neophite Obama
As all of us predicted and as it was pointed out time and time (and time and time) again during the campaign that led to the Obama's election, he has no experience - and now in the face of the Gulf disaster, in light of the health care debacle and the immigration catastrophe, there can no longer be doubt, the Obama is way in over his head. The real disaster for this country is that he is the president. On the Washington Examiner page this morning a Byron York piece: Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience. And last week Peggy Noonan whacked the ball out of the field with this column about the Obama's incompetence: He Was Supposed to be Competent. The left has really done a disservice to the country by electing this disaster of a man. At this point, the Obama's political career is totally untenable - a wreck. He is too arrogant to resign and let a politically more astute (I could have said stupid - but Biden is not) politician step in - Biden. Sadly the political triad at the top - the Obama, Biden and Pelosi is the worst in American history. There is nothing redeeming about any of them. the Obama will be there in 2012 running for his political life - but if the Pelosi is still there - that is if the Repubs don't gain control of the House in 2010 - then he certainly will not be president in 2013. I think at that point the Repubs (or Tea Party) could run a cat against the Obama and he wouldn't win. Fred Barnes has a great column in yesterday's WSJ on the potential impact of Pelosi on the Obama's 2012 presidential bid.
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