Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the Neophite Obama

As all of us predicted and as it was pointed out time and time (and time and time) again during the campaign that led to the Obama's election, he has no experience - and now in the face of the Gulf disaster, in light of the health care debacle and the immigration catastrophe, there can no longer be doubt, the Obama is way in over his head. The real disaster for this country is that he is the president. On the Washington Examiner page this morning a Byron York piece: Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience. And last week Peggy Noonan whacked the ball out of the field with this column about the Obama's incompetence: He Was Supposed to be Competent. The left has really done a disservice to the country by electing this disaster of a man. At this point, the Obama's political career is totally untenable - a wreck. He is too arrogant to resign and let a politically more astute (I could have said stupid - but Biden is not) politician step in - Biden. Sadly the political triad at the top - the Obama, Biden and Pelosi is the worst in American history. There is nothing redeeming about any of them. the Obama will be there in 2012 running for his political life - but if the Pelosi is still there - that is if the Repubs don't gain control of the House in 2010 - then he certainly will not be president in 2013. I think at that point the Repubs (or Tea Party) could run a cat against the Obama and he wouldn't win. Fred Barnes has a great column in yesterday's WSJ on the potential impact of Pelosi on the Obama's 2012 presidential bid.

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