Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cal Thomas: GOP 'pledge' is a test of Republican character | Washington Examiner

Cal Thomas is one of those columnists that you always read or listen to when he talks. While you may not always agree - he has the credibility to demand respect of his opinions.

Cal Thomas: GOP 'pledge' is a test of Republican character | Washington Examiner

"Republicans should make weaning them from dependence on government a patriotic duty and the essence of liberty. Focus on those who have overcome poverty and let them serve as examples of what others can do.

Let's talk about individuals demonstrating more responsibility for their lives and ensuring their own retirement, with Social Security returning to the insurance program it was originally designed to be: a safety net, not a hammock"

1 comment:

  1. A tough one, Gordianguy. Unfortunately, the ponzi scheme is so advanced that considering privatization of Social Security requires addressing who pays for the elders already on SS.
    Their paid-in money has already been ripped-off by the Leftists. But you know that. Still, we must find a way.
