Thursday, July 14, 2016

Who's to Blame?

It is hard to blame the presidential candidates for their current predicament. The blame lies belongs to the Obama. Obama came to office on the backs of feckless liberal whites trying to assuage some primeval guilt. This is understandable, as the Democrat Party is the party of slavery. It’s not that they have that in their platform anymore but they still stand for enslavement. Not to some rich plantation owner but to a swaddling government that wants to control every aspect of our lives, from what we eat, what we drive, to the very air we breathe.

Clinton and Trump are the byproducts of the last eight years; of an administration that could do and would do anything push the socialist Obama agenda. It is easy to blame Obama’s “Fly over America” attitude of the majority of the country and it citizens for Trump. Obama’s arrogance and look-down-his-nose attitude toward working class America and those Americans that weren’t part of his nouveau chic phony elites, led to millions of Americans, tired of being ignored to turn to Trump; much as millions of gimme-crats turned to Obama with is promise of free stuff. The sentiment, misplaced or not, of working class America is that the rich get richer (Obama included) the poor get everything free and Trump pandered to that and won support among large swaths of heartland America. The republicans completely missed the demographics of Trump’s support. Most, the leftist media and old guard Republican believed that Trump’s support originated with uneducated Republicans. But his simply isn’t true. In fact Trump’s support with Republican across the spectrum has and remains low. His primary support has come from working class Democrats, Independents, and Undecideds. Americans that are tired of the elitist attitude that is currently in vogue in DC. They really don’t give a damn about mainstream social issues. They are generally okay with abortion (and so is Trump) and gay marriage (and so is Trump) and don’t seem those issues as hot-button issues. What they most care about are their families and their lively hoods, which have been in decline for 40 year and has only accelerated under Obama. Working class wages have been stagnant for 40 years while they have accelerated for the upper class elites like Obama.  

Clinton, on the other hand, is just left over wreckage from Obama’s failed term in office. That she has found sufficient following to displace Sanders, another populist with a similar message to Trump’s (even the bombast) but with a more blatant socialist twist. Clinton is just another in a long line of government criminals that includes Holder, Lynch, and Obama himself. That she is even the presumptive candidate speaks volumes about an electorate that ranted and raved about all of the criminal wrong doing by the Bush administration and yet has the audacity to pick Clinton as their candidate. She preaches the liturgy of Wall Street (giving speeches to Wall Street Executive groups at a quarter million or more a pop) and promises to protect that control of the banks and investment houses control on government, just as Obama did.

I am still flummoxed as to why Sanders didn’t get the nod. There is no evidence of any serious skeletons in his closet and he certainly isn’t part of the elite ruling class of which Clinton and Obama are members in good standing, thus my use of the phrase feckless electorate. Clinton is the very type of person that Sanders has railed against during his campaign, a bought and paid for Wall Street lackey. Now Sanders has thrown his support behind Clinton, claiming to have gotten his way on some of his most cherished campaign agenda items. Needless to say a great many of his constituent of young college students and college educated young feel betrayed by Sanders’ hypocrisy.

Many of the mainstream conservative Republicans have been abandoning the party ship. George Will being one of the more prominent and though I am not prominent I too have abandoned the ship. It has become a party not much to the right of Obama’s party and lacks the vigor that younger conservative want to see. Younger conservatives are also less wrapped around the axel of the social issues that seem to continually plague the older, yet no-so conservative, conservatives. The party platform has too many planks that no longer resonate with young voters and I must say minority voters, though my experience is that Republicans are more open to African Americans and Hispanics. We believe in true diversity not just in skin color but also in thought. Sadly, though the old guard of the party goes out of its way to portray a different face. The party clings to outmoded social policies, like its stance against abortion. Yes, it is very bad law a right created out of a vacuum (the notion that a right to privacy means a right to destroy life flies in the face of true reason and right and wrong) but it is here and probably will be for a long time to come and as such is it not better to have it be safely performed than not? Gay rights are another social dinosaur of the old party. Gay people are just people why should they be treated differently? All of the religious palaver doesn’t change the fact that they are Gay not by choice but by birth. There is no evidence of the “gay” perversion that seems to haunt the zealot republicans. Studies show that the best parents that children can have is a mom and a dad of the correct sex, but in our modern society that is a rare combination and there are millions of children that need parents and Gay couple make great loving parents and children suffer no harm from it.

Trump bellows, “Make America Great Again,” but then wanders off on some tangent unrelated to the message. Clinton cackles and talks in tongues, “I ain’t no ways tired,” and regurgitates 60 years of liberal dogma. Neither, as Obama before them, seems to actually know what America really needs. I am not sure I do either but I do know that it does not need a National Socialist or a Criminal Socialist. I am voting Libertarian this year.

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