Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Hypocrite in Chief

On today's WSJ op-ed page, Karl Rove, says, in essence, that the president needs to practice what he preaches when it comes to Politics of Civility. Rove's article is a reminder the for the most part the Obama could well be termed the "Hypocrite in Chief." He does very little of what he chides others for not doing. This the Obama trait is one of the Hallmarks of a generation - tail-end-of the boomers - that has reaped so much benefit from this country and the efforts and sacrifices of previous generations. In return the Obama and his ilk have done nothing but complain and whine about how "unfair" America is to those who don't bother trying. A few mornings ago, I was listening to Bill Bennett's "Morning in America," and he had legal immigrants calling into the show and giving testimonials about how much they have reaped from coming to America and taking advantage of its infinite opportunity to succeed and the majority of those that had called in had succeeded - not by living off the dole but by hard work and by the sweat of their brows. One of the sad statistics that is little talked about is that relative to black populations that have been in this country for generations - the Vietnamese boat people here since the mid to late 70's - have succeeded by orders of magnitude over the blacks. The primary reason that the Vietnamese succeed as such high rates is that they are not being held back by the government's welfare state, which encourages many minorities - like blacks - to sit back and let the government take care of them.

So, coming back to my main point - the Obama has reaped much from this country - given opportunities to succeed not offered to his contemporary Anglo Americans and he, the Obama has taken advantages of those leg-ups to do well. He should, instead of whining all of the time, be thankful and say thanks to all of the "white" Americans that helped make his life a success and he might learn to stop being such a hypocrite.

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