Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Winning the Battles and the War

On every single issue since the Obama took office the Right has won the debate against the left - and we have not just beaten the left, we have trounced the left. On the health insurance issue, we stomped them; on cap and tax, we creamed them and now on immigration we are in the process of pounding the left into the ground. Not once, on any of the critical issues has the left, the Obama, put forward substantive justifications in support of their policies. During the health care debate the right beat the daylights out of the left on every single critical issue and the left did was turn the debate into a sob-athon by parading before the public a seemingly endless stream of individuals who's very lives depended upon passage of the health care bill. What did the right do in response - they went forward and dug up the truth that demonstrated that in ever case those individuals that the left put forward were in fact either covered by insurance or previously covered by insurance at the time of their illness or had access to the care they needed and in the majority of cases their current plight was not because of lack of health care coverage but their own laziness and irresponsibility. The left got their health welfare law - not by fair vote but by pulling a series of shenanigans in congress. They lost the debate and the public (70 to 20+ percent against the bill) knew more about it than the Obamacrats - but the left were bad losers and cut off their noses to spite their faces. On immigration the left has attacked Arizona's law that forces law enforcement officials to uphold the Federal immigration laws. Not a single attack by the left has been the truth - even the Obama went before an audience and basically and launched an ignorant attack against the law. He never read the law, none of his advisers read the law and yet he had not problem attacking it and making untrue statements about it. the Obama has to be the most ignorant president in American history. Not even Carter was that clueless about what is going around him. the Obama has underestimated the American people by assuming that we are just a bunch of uneducated hicks. Sorry to inform you Mr. the Obama - we may not have skated through Harvard like you but we are certainly orders of magnitude smarter than you.

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