Nicolas Sarkozy was furious with Barack Obama for his adolescent warbling about a world without nuclear weapons at a meeting Mr. Obama chaired of the United Nations Security Council last Thursday (9/24).Bummer, bitch slapped by a Frenchman - Poor President Pantywaist!
"We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth," President Obama said.
What infuriated President Sarkozy was that at the time Mr. Obama said those words, Mr. Obama knew the mullahs in Iran had a secret nuclear weapons development site, and he didn't call them on it.
‘President Obama dreams of a world without weapons...but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite," Mr. Sarkozy said.
"Iran since 2005 has flouted five Security Council resolutions," Mr. Sarkozy said. "North Korea has been defying Council resolutions since 1993."
"What good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community?" he asked rhetorically. "More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe out a UN member state off the map."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
OUCH - Vive La Sarkozy
From Jack Kelly, via Real Clear Politics:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pantywaist Obama - All I want is World Peace!
How does anyone take seriously another president calling for a world free of nuclear weapons; Jimmy Carter tried, Clinton wanted it and now the Obama. Carter and Clinton couldn't even get major arms control treaties signed. Just as the Obama was making his airy, breathless, empty speech on a nuclear free world the Iranians were about to drop a bomb on the Obama's utopian nightmare - they, the Iranians, have a second, secret, nuclear processing facility capable of producing 1 to 2 bombs worth of enriched uranium per year. So, what does the Obama decide to do? . . . put off any acknowledgment until after the "glow" of his great (he's rather proud of himself) speech had faded - and in the process piss of his needed allies the French and the Brits. Apparently doing the right thing is not as important as keeping the halo in place. Mr. the Obama, nobody took your duffus speech seriously, why do you? There isn't going to be a nuclear weapon free world anytime soon - not when you let the NK's and the Iranians gain nuclear weapons. The Russians and Chinese aren't going to give up their weapons anytime soon. One would think that the Obama's silliness hadn't been tried in the past - Do Carter and Clinton (and even Johnson) ring a bell? The Obama must have skipped his US History class for a Community Organizing Class put on by ACORN!
There is a column in the WSJ this morning: French Atomic Pique
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Health Care Reform, NOT!
The more I read about and study the Obamacrat's Health care garbage the more I wonder why it is called "Health Care Reform." Usually Reform has positive connotations and what the Obamacrats are proposing has nothing positive to imply reform. They cannot possibly have any idea about what needs to be fixed, changed, updated or if anything needs to be fixed or changed, in just 8 months, actually just a 3 or 4 months. There is nothing innovative or creative or new about the Obamacrat's health care blather, so how can they call if "reform?" It is more like putting lipstick on a pig - as they said about Sarah Palin - and it is a very bad lipstick job at that. What they have is a lot of crap wrapped up in pretty ribbons and Obama's empty rhetoric and that is health care reform. The entire Obamaministration to date has been a realization of Mark Twain's adage - "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt" - and that is what they have done - opened their mouths.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Liberal Definition of Success
Every down and then one has an epiphany and finally begins to understand some thing. In case the "thing" is success - what is success. It dawned on me this morning that the most detrimental thing that liberalism has brought to our society today, is a warped definition of success and that it is this warped view success that is at the root of most of our problems today. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, but when checked and reign in it becomes nothing more than striving to be better than we were before. So, what am I saying? I am saying that today the liberal definition of success is nothing more than Greed - in its most rampant form - combined with Envy - another of the seven deadly sins. You ask, "What does this have to do with Liberals?" Well, it has to do with liberals because it is the liberals who would have us believe that success is all about big house, big cars, fancy toys and piles of money. Their warped view of success is not about striving to achieve and achieving but about the possession of things. The whole sub-prime mess is about the liberals premise that everyone deserves a house. Once upon a time, and my readers from a couple of generations back will know what I am talking about, success was about setting a goal then working to achieve that goal. I have no problem with someone owning a big house, but if the measure of success is just the house itself then that is not success. The most successful people in this country are not always those with the most money or the most toys, in fact they are not even in the majority when it comes to truly successful people. But that is not what the libs would have us believe. No they want us to believe that only by having, have we achieved success. They always forget those that work their butts off day in and day out to raise a family and pay their home off and put their kids through college. Those people might never have the big house or the fancy car of all of the cool fancy toys, but by every measure they are the successful ones. The liberal's measure of success is the black kid who fails his way through high school but gets to college on a football scholarship and then makes a 7 or 8 figure salary playing in the NLF - dumb as a stump but has a big house, a big car and a lot of cool toys. He's successful, he's rich, so all you poor ghetto kids, black, white or brown, need to strive to be like him. But what about the kid who worked his buns off in high school to get good grades and some scholarships but still doesn't have enough money to go to the big tech schools like MIT or CalTech but instead goes to a small Tech school and gets his PhD in Physics. Has a nice home, 3 paid for cars - 2 of them over 10 years old with and with over 200K miles on them - one with nearly 400K. By the liberal's standards he's not successful even though he and his wife make pretty good money. According to the liberals they don't pay enough taxes so that those that chose not to work hard can have the nice house and the cool toys. In today's liberal world success is getting a trophy just for showing up despite the fact that your team lost. In today's liberal world success is envying what others have and then getting it without earning it.
Pretending to be Great
So, what makes a great Society? Well, one could just declare a Great Society like Johnson did and kick off the second greatest socialization of our country since FDR. We never achieved greatness but we spent a heck of a lot of money creating massive poverty. In the NYTime this morning, actually it was in yesterday's NYTimes I just got around to reading it this morning, is one of the stupidest articles I have read in a long time: A Long Way Down. The theme of the article: The rich got richer and the poor got poorer, in particular the middle class suffered the most, under Bush. The solution proposed by the article: Tax the rich more and give it to the poor, i.e. More Government Spending on Social programs will fix every thing. The authors of the article, not given, also use code phrases like:
Policy makers must also resist the reassuring but false notion that renewed economic growth can, by itself, raise living standards broadly. Government policies are needed to ensure that growth is shared.
This is classical socialist mantra: Spread the wealth, by letting those that have pay for those who would try to get. In the next paragraph they come right out and spew the Socialist tripe:
More progressive taxation needs to be accompanied by more progressive spending, on public education and on job training and job creation. Support for unions and enforcement of labor standards would also help to ensure that in the next economic expansion, a fair share of profits would find its way into wages.
In other words the government needs to do everything it can to ensure that there remains a permanent welfare under class because if people begin to succeed by trying then the liberal socialist agenda will fail.
So I began by asking what makes a Great Society and can conclude that it is not by declaring it and then creating a welfare state as Johnson did and from which 40+ years later we still have not recovered from and which apparently intelligent people think we should bolster even further. Kennedy's vision put us on the moon, Johnson's have put us where we are today - a society, not of great vision and vigor, but one of small ideas dependent on a government to think and do for us.
So I began by asking what makes a Great Society and can conclude that it is not by declaring it and then creating a welfare state as Johnson did and from which 40+ years later we still have not recovered from and which apparently intelligent people think we should bolster even further. Kennedy's vision put us on the moon, Johnson's have put us where we are today - a society, not of great vision and vigor, but one of small ideas dependent on a government to think and do for us.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Missing the bigger picture
David Brooks had an excellent column, despite its political motivation, in the NYT this morning: High-Five Nation. He points out the difference in the way we, the US, behaved at the end of WWII and how we behave today. He brings up Joe Wilson's outburst during the Obama's lie-a-thon to congress (which is the real motivation for Brooks' column) and Kanye West's childish behavior at the VMAs. Both are great examples of how as a society we have degenerated into a phony self-congratulatory state, but he forgot (on purpose I am sure) to mention the three most important culprits in the world today - The Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Together, the egos of these three far outstrip the combined egos of the entire NFL. Pelosi, Reid, and the Obama have all forgotten that a bit of self-deprecation and humility is the hallmark of true leadership. Brooks notes:
As The Times of London pointed out on the day of victory, fascism had stood for grandiosity, pomposity, boasting and zeal.
Grandiosity and pomposity are the very nature of the Obamaministration and the current liberal congress. They are so busy congratulating one another and trying to push their liberal agenda that they have forgottent that there is a nation of people out there expecting them to do the right thing, not their thing. So, while Brook's column was good and worth the read it falls short of addressing the bigger - by the scale of the world - issue.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Implications of Small Things
Both the Wall Street Journal and the NYTimes (All the news fit to wrap your fish in) have front page articles on the Obama raising tariffs on tires made in China. Of course the WSJ takes the consumer friendly point of view - this will have an impact on low income people who buy the inexpensive Chinese made tires and the NYT takes the Labor Union friendly view - cheap Chinese tires cost Union jobs, sighting no evidence to support the assertion. Both papers did speculate, though, that the move by the Obama was a bone to the Unions as down payment for their support of his socialization of health care. Of course the Obama is not pandering to the union workers - he could care less about them and they will non be affected by socialized health care anyway - union workers already have gold plated health care and will surely not give that up for the public, clinic style health care the rest of us will be stuck with - he wants Union management onboard - socialists of a feather, etc, etc. The interesting thing is, only about 12.4% of US workers belong to unions (and I would bet half of them not by choice) so why push so hard to get the unions on board with socialized medicine? It is a perception issue - by getting the unions on board it gives the perception that the Obama has the US labor force behind him and he is for the workers. Most people don't know that only 12% of the work force belongs to unions, they also don't understand that the union won't be affected by the Obamacare. IF they understood all of this the majority of employees in this country would be fully against Obamacare. The Obama's move against China also points out that he doesn't care about those at the bottom of the income scale.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
End of the Recession - Good Job President ---- BUSH!!
Well, some economists are saying that the recession is ending despite the continued rise in unemployment and home foreclosures. Lets give credit where credit is due - Good job President Bush!! It would appear that YOUR economic team did the right things to help end the recession. I am so sorry Obama your team's economic plan has done nothing but increase unemployment and as a result home foreclosures. Barely half of your nearly Trillion dollar stimulus spending has been spent and most of that for social programs that produce no long term returns. The people receiving the money are still poor and doing nothing to improve their situation. Also, Mr. Obama, the tax hikes that are rolling toward us like an out of control freight train - to pay for all of your squandering - will lead to further economic decline as more and more people lose their jobs as companies lay them off because the money sources they relied upon dry up as more and more funds are diverted to pay for your massive social programs.
Friday, September 4, 2009
My dread for 9/11
September 11, will be here this next Friday, sadly we will most likely have to put up with an embarrassing, world ass-kissing speech by the Obama. My hope would be that one of the 9/11 groups invites President Bush to give a speech, thus offsetting the Obama's clap trap and at least provide some semblance of dignity to our fallen heroes and victims. The last thing that we need to hear is some sappy "can we all just get along" speech from our supposed president. His job is to stand up and honor the fallen and exhault the greatness of our country not down play it by making a soft pitch speech that offends no one. Radical Islamists need to be insulted, they behave like animals and if what they say about the Muslim religion is really true, then they disgrace their religion with their primitive behavior. The Obama needs to say that because we are not about placating terrorists.
Secretary of State - Obama
One thing that has been obvious from the beginning is that the Obama's foreign policies have been unmitigated disasters. There is North Korea and their pot-bellied dictator thumbing their nose at the Obama. It took a Gore-ite - former pres. Bill Clinton to save a couple of nincompoop reporters that got their asses in a sling in the NK. Then there's Iran, the Obama has extended his warm hand of welcome to their crazed leader, Ahmadinejad inviting him and his zealots into the Nuclear club. At the same time the Obama has turned up his nose at Iran's attempt at free and fair elections. To the south of us in Central America, there is a country, Honduras, struggling to keep off the chains of communism, but has in addition to contend with bullying by the Obama and his communist sympathizers. His policies for Afghanistan and Iraq are falling apart as death tolls rise along with new insurgencies. And now comes Israel, which has just decided to allow more building in the West Bank despite pleas by the Obama to not do so because it was hurting his beloved Palestinian terrorists. Some think that Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is just agreeing to the new settlements as a way to placate his conservative base, but I suspect that it runs deeper. The Obama turned his back on a long time US ally in favor of the terrorists and so now Netanyahu knows that he and his country will have to go it alone if they want to survive. They will get no help from our weak minded president. Where is our Secretary of State while all of these disasters are occurring. Well, first she was in Africa placating the Obama's mother land and now she is meeting with ousted communist Honduran president Zelaya. Other examples of the Obama's gross incompetence as a world leader includes his chumming with communist Chavez of Venezuela. He kissed the ass of the liberal Euro-trash and bowed to a muslim leader - he's our president - but not much of a world leader.
We're all HOPING for change!
WSJ: North Korea Prepares More Weapons Fuel:
The Obama administration has been hoping those actions might indicate a willingness in Pyongyang to return to the six-party aid-for-disarmament talks the U.S. has used since 2003 to try to persuade North Korea to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
That is the problem with liberal foreign policy - it is all about feelings and hope, rather than actual action. As they say in business, "Hope is not a management tool." Also, this shows the incredible naivete of the Obama and Clinton and their non-existent foreign policy: "We hope the world will be nice to one another; can't we all just get along!"
We're Saved, Unemloyment only 9.7%!
There is some terrific (ha, ha, ha) economic news - Unemployment reaches a 26 year high - but hey, less than expected!!! Good work the Obama and company!!
PS: One must always be careful when discussing unemployment numbers because what is reported by the labor department can and most times is quite deceiving. The 9.7% represents only new (i.e. first time) applications for unemployment plus those on the rolls right now, they do not account for those who have dropped of the rolls - no longer able to receive unemployment insurance - but have not found a job or are working part time, in this case a few hours a week. The actual unemployment numbers are around 17%, which is really quite a staggering number when you think about it - according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are 14.9 million people unemployed - the 9.7% number, but accounting for the actual number 17% - 14.9 million unemployed at 9.7% implies 155 million workers, of which 17% is 26.1 million without a job!!
It is NOT the U.S., It is Comrade Obama
In the Wall Street Journal this morning, more bullying from the Comrade Obama: U.S. Warns Honduras on New Vote.
The U.S. said it will cut off some aid and may not recognize the result of Honduras's upcoming presidential election, in an attempt to pressure the country's interim government to accept the return of its deposed president.
Let's be honest here, this is the Obama not the US that is threatening Honduras. The majority of Americans want a free, not Communist government in Honduras. It is only the Obama and his comrades that want it the other way around. So, the non-State run media ought to properly say, The Comrade Obama and his Polit Bureau are pressuring Honduras and leave the US out of it. No wonder the rest of the world looks badly on us, how can they not when so much of if has fought hard to throw off the chains of the Soviets only to see the once great defender of freedom embracing communism.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Moral of the Story - Get off your dead ass and buy your own health insurance!
What we need less of right now is all of the sappy heart-string pulling blabber from liberals on the urgent need to reform health care - case in point Tom Daschle's bleeding heart commentary in the WSJ: Climbing the Hill on Health Care. What Americans need are hard facts and straight talk from the politicians pushing this monstrosity called Health Care Reform. All of the touchy-feely crap about making it to the top of the hill is just a diversion designed to make us feel as though they are letting their fellow Americans down by not getting behind the Obama and his minion's plan to save those with no health care. Everyone loves a good "father-son facing a challenge together" story, but in this case Daschle and the rest of the libs have once again missed the true moral of the story. The moral of the story wasn't that, when you are down and feeling sorry for yourself to just hang on because someone will ride to your rescue and haul your sorry ass up the hill to the top. No, the moral is that to get to the top, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and just try and don't worry about failing because all you have to do is get up and try again. There will be someone there to give you encouragement but the challenge is yours to face and conquer. The libs would have us all believe that there are 46 million Americans out there that need the rest of us to haul their sorry asses to the top of the hill. What I am saying is that there may be 46 million Americans out there that need the rest of us to stop mollycoddling them and push them to get off their lazy asses and walk up the hill themselves.
I am willing to concede that in America today, there are 46 million people that are need of help with health care. Note the change from Americans to people because of that 46 million 15 to 16 million are illegal aliens in this country against our laws and why should we be paying more than we currently are for their health care?? Now, of the 30 million left, and concede they are Americans, half or more chose not to have health insurance for whatever reason, so that leaves maybe 15 million Americans that don't have solid health care - like quality health insurance. So, how do we help them? Well, the libs do it by hurting the rest of us - by forcing us into having inferior health insurance - equality for all is the Socialist motto - so that the government can provide health insurance for those that don't have it. Hey, why don't we do something that is much better (rather than hauling their asses up the hill) like helping them to find jobs and start providing for themselves??
Health care in America is already the best in the world, because the standard isn't countries that steal the working classes incomes to pay for the lazy classes health care. The way to improve our health care system is to cut out the silliness and encourage everyone to take responsibility for their own lives.
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