Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Liberal Definition of Success

Every down and then one has an epiphany and finally begins to understand some thing. In case the "thing" is success - what is success. It dawned on me this morning that the most detrimental thing that liberalism has brought to our society today, is a warped definition of success and that it is this warped view success that is at the root of most of our problems today. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, but when checked and reign in it becomes nothing more than striving to be better than we were before. So, what am I saying? I am saying that today the liberal definition of success is nothing more than Greed - in its most rampant form - combined with Envy - another of the seven deadly sins. You ask, "What does this have to do with Liberals?" Well, it has to do with liberals because it is the liberals who would have us believe that success is all about big house, big cars, fancy toys and piles of money. Their warped view of success is not about striving to achieve and achieving but about the possession of things. The whole sub-prime mess is about the liberals premise that everyone deserves a house. Once upon a time, and my readers from a couple of generations back will know what I am talking about, success was about setting a goal then working to achieve that goal. I have no problem with someone owning a big house, but if the measure of success is just the house itself then that is not success. The most successful people in this country are not always those with the most money or the most toys, in fact they are not even in the majority when it comes to truly successful people. But that is not what the libs would have us believe. No they want us to believe that only by having, have we achieved success. They always forget those that work their butts off day in and day out to raise a family and pay their home off and put their kids through college. Those people might never have the big house or the fancy car of all of the cool fancy toys, but by every measure they are the successful ones. The liberal's measure of success is the black kid who fails his way through high school but gets to college on a football scholarship and then makes a 7 or 8 figure salary playing in the NLF - dumb as a stump but has a big house, a big car and a lot of cool toys. He's successful, he's rich, so all you poor ghetto kids, black, white or brown, need to strive to be like him. But what about the kid who worked his buns off in high school to get good grades and some scholarships but still doesn't have enough money to go to the big tech schools like MIT or CalTech but instead goes to a small Tech school and gets his PhD in Physics. Has a nice home, 3 paid for cars - 2 of them over 10 years old with and with over 200K miles on them - one with nearly 400K. By the liberal's standards he's not successful even though he and his wife make pretty good money. According to the liberals they don't pay enough taxes so that those that chose not to work hard can have the nice house and the cool toys. In today's liberal world success is getting a trophy just for showing up despite the fact that your team lost. In today's liberal world success is envying what others have and then getting it without earning it.

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