David Brooks had an excellent column, despite its political motivation, in the NYT this morning: High-Five Nation. He points out the difference in the way we, the US, behaved at the end of WWII and how we behave today. He brings up Joe Wilson's outburst during the Obama's lie-a-thon to congress (which is the real motivation for Brooks' column) and Kanye West's childish behavior at the VMAs. Both are great examples of how as a society we have degenerated into a phony self-congratulatory state, but he forgot (on purpose I am sure) to mention the three most important culprits in the world today - The Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Together, the egos of these three far outstrip the combined egos of the entire NFL. Pelosi, Reid, and the Obama have all forgotten that a bit of self-deprecation and humility is the hallmark of true leadership. Brooks notes:
As The Times of London pointed out on the day of victory, fascism had stood for grandiosity, pomposity, boasting and zeal.
Grandiosity and pomposity are the very nature of the Obamaministration and the current liberal congress. They are so busy congratulating one another and trying to push their liberal agenda that they have forgottent that there is a nation of people out there expecting them to do the right thing, not their thing. So, while Brook's column was good and worth the read it falls short of addressing the bigger - by the scale of the world - issue.
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