Friday, September 4, 2009

Secretary of State - Obama

One thing that has been obvious from the beginning is that the Obama's foreign policies have been unmitigated disasters. There is North Korea and their pot-bellied dictator thumbing their nose at the Obama. It took a Gore-ite - former pres. Bill Clinton to save a couple of nincompoop reporters that got their asses in a sling in the NK. Then there's Iran, the Obama has extended his warm hand of welcome to their crazed leader, Ahmadinejad inviting him and his zealots into the Nuclear club. At the same time the Obama has turned up his nose at Iran's attempt at free and fair elections. To the south of us in Central America, there is a country, Honduras, struggling to keep off the chains of communism, but has in addition to contend with bullying by the Obama and his communist sympathizers. His policies for Afghanistan and Iraq are falling apart as death tolls rise along with new insurgencies. And now comes Israel, which has just decided to allow more building in the West Bank despite pleas by the Obama to not do so because it was hurting his beloved Palestinian terrorists. Some think that Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is just agreeing to the new settlements as a way to placate his conservative base, but I suspect that it runs deeper. The Obama turned his back on a long time US ally in favor of the terrorists and so now Netanyahu knows that he and his country will have to go it alone if they want to survive. They will get no help from our weak minded president. Where is our Secretary of State while all of these disasters are occurring. Well, first she was in Africa placating the Obama's mother land and now she is meeting with ousted communist Honduran president Zelaya. Other examples of the Obama's gross incompetence as a world leader includes his chumming with communist Chavez of Venezuela. He kissed the ass of the liberal Euro-trash and bowed to a muslim leader - he's our president - but not much of a world leader.

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