Sunday, November 8, 2009

Commrade Pelosi: "Death To America!"

Yesterday the socialist/communist party voted 220-215 to socialize medicine. The only thing saving us now is the fact that the bill has to be merged with the Senate and there is not guarantee that it will come out of there in its current form. The only good thing for America is that in 2010 those Democrats not in strongly leftist/socialist states and districts will no longer be in office. The fact that Pelosi and company blatantly ignored the will of the majority of Americans is testament that the socialist wing - ie all of the Democrats - have lost touch with America and its values. This new government socialization of health insurance, if it passed in a form similar to its current form will push millions of Americans out of their current health insurance plans into a government run form of health care. Only the rich - ie those making more than a $1 million a year, will be able to get decent real health care. The rest of us, while paying for millions of deadbeat American's health insurance will basically end up like those that go to the emergency room for their health care. The Republican fielded a bill that was 1/10 the size of the Democrat pile of crap and it was summarily voted down by the Obamacrats whose interest is not in fixing those problems that need fixing with Health care insurance but in extending government control over all American lives. If the Obamacrats were truly interested in medical insurance reform then the Republican bill was just that. Not one word of Pelosi's speech foisting the bill on America was true. There will be no increased competition - How can a new insurance option compete with the thousands available already? But more to the real point, the government option will squeeze out private insurance because the government doesn't have to make a profit and it can hide its overhead costs in the beauracracy, something that private insurance companies cannot do. Also, since the government option steals its money from the working class it can pay for anything without actually having to worry about actual costs. The other real issue that needs to be better addressed is the probable decline in the number of doctors leaving the practice to persue jobs that pay better. No doctor is going to work at a 50% loss. Let's face it the House bill is just plain dumb and stupid and starkly highlights the growing ignorance of the liberal class.

1 comment:

  1. "Yesterday the socialist/communist party "

    You have that dead right, GordianGuy!!!
