Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Religion of Peace?

It would seem time that America wakes up to the reality Islam, as it seems to be infusing the world today is not the religion of peace that so many of its adherents proclaim it to be. It did not start out as such and we should wonder why it might be today. Over 1.2 billion individuals world wide claim to be practitioners of the faith. And as religions go, it really is a johnny-come-lately religion springing into existence in the 600-AD's, thousands of years after Judaism and 600+ years after Christianity, and yet it has managed to spill around the world, into almost every country. One wonders why? It does not seem to offer much in the way of hope for its practitioners and when things seem bleak it calls on the faithful - read most ignorant to strap bombs to themselves and kill the innocent - often other Muslims. This last week an Islamic fanatic went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 31 before being stopped by a female cop. Now for an Islamic disciple being done in by a woman has to be real insult to his religious sentiments. I bet she eats bacon with her eggs in the morning. Now, president pantywaist can't bring himself to come right out and condemn the murders and the Islamic religion behind them.

America was founded on Judeo/Christian principles - we are a Judeo/Christian country and while we are open to all faiths we are not open to the hatred practiced by any faiths - radical or not. If the Obama can come out and condemn those that kill murdering Abortion doctors then he can come out and condemn the Islamic fanatic that killed those men and women at Fort Hood. Liberal America needs to wake up to the truth that evil does exist in the world and often it disguises itself as a religion - a faith that claims billions of followers. One can't help but wonder if Islam is the religion of the lazy, the weak minded, those that rather than engaging in the world would rather die than do.

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