The infamous organization the NAACP has passed a resolution calling on the Tea Party to denounce racism. The Tea Party has been called a racist organization based on unfounded accusations that some of its members made racial slurs at members of the Congressional Black Caucus during a rally in DC this past spring. No evidence that any racial remarks were made during the rally has come to light and the accusations are based on claims made by the supposed recipients of those remarks. Which side does one believe? Well, the NAACP has a long and questionable history, itself on the issue of racism among the black community and has not come forward to condemn all racist remarks made by the black community. I am still waiting for the NAACP to condemn the recent racist remarks by the leader of the Black Panther Army, King Samir Shabazz. If they have I must have missed it so someone can send me the link.
I remember the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's that started out with the noble goal of integrating blacks into mainstream America by working to ensure that their rights as Americans were guaranteed. The goal was to remove color from America's eyes, to make us color blind, when it came to the rights of our citizens. Recall the famous words of Dr. Martin Luther King, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Somewhere along the way that Dream was hijacked by the left and the Social Engineers and instead of an integrated, color blind society, we ended up with a segregated, hyphenated society, in which color has become a crutch for all that has gone wrong with the Black community. Blacks are as a group performing at a lower level than other minority groups save maybe Hispanics. Seventy percent of all black children born today are born to single mothers. The politically correct reason for this is still racism - whites are just racists and they are holding the blacks back. The reason is, though, the blacks themselves. The political left hijacked the Civil Rights movement and diverted it from its path toward racial equality and a color blind society and turned it into a form of indentured servitude to the state. Blacks have been educated to believe that without the continued assistance from the state they will never become equal (outcome equal) with the majority population. Most of what passes for Civil Rights legislation in the country today is nothing but race preference laws designed to keep blacks dependent on the government and to ensure their continued failure as a community. Those blacks that have wandered from this state dependence view have been labeled "Uncle Toms," and are considered outside of mainstream black thought. Hacks like Al Sharton and Jesse Jackson and groups like the NAACP continue to stoke the racial fires and through threats and intimidation have forced liberal congress members to push racial preference laws. Under the Obama we were as a nation supposed to have pushed beyond racism, but it has only gotten worse. The Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department have instituted a racial preference approach. The recent dismissal of voter intimidation charges against the New Black Panther Army is a case in point.
Unfortunately with presidents like the Obama and groups like the NAACP leading the blacks around by their noses, race will remain an issue for a long time.
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