Sunday, July 18, 2010

Race is a one way street for the left

It is one of those interesting inconsistencies that plagues the whole race debate in America: If someone on the left, ie a black person in this case, accuses someone on the right of making racial attacks regardless of the lack of evidence to support the accusation, the accusation stands; the media pick it up and run like hell with it and everyone associated with the accusation is tarred and labeled as co-racists. Of course I am talking about the accusations made against the Tea Party that they made racial slurs against John Lewis and other blacks at a DC rally last year. To date, not a single shred of evidence has been produced to support the claim of Lewis and the others. The one piece of evidence that does exist clearly disproves Lewis' claim: Video of Tea Party Rally. On the other hand, there is ample evidence of the racist diatribe by the New Black Panther Army and the NAACP and yet, that doesn't count by the left as racist. That is politically protected speech.

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