If I were a political strategist for the right the first thing I would do is to mandate that from here and now until the elections are over in November 2010 and in 2012, Race has to be central to every issue we discuss. The left has been doing that for 40+ years and have been admirably successful in doing so; the majority of the Obama's political agenda is race-based. Now, rather than taking the leftists position that the right are a bunch of racists, we take the opposite tack - how has the black community and majorities in general been hurt by the race-based programs of the left. Not one "equal opportunity" law passed by the leftist congress in 50 years has been about providing equal opportunity for minorities. Every single one has actually been about providing shortcuts for minorities to an equal outcome. The result - all have been utter failures and have led to a permanent underclass - and as you would guess - dominated by the blacks. The right thinkers need to point out that every equal opportunity law started out as quota laws, attempting to modify the work force to reflect the racial makeup of society. This led to a flood of race based hiring in the 70's through much of the 90's. The result, not a single black employee is judged on the merits of their work but on the color of their skin, whenever they advance up the ladder. Schools with the race-based entrance requirements have led to a disproportionate drop out rate of blacks from not just the "Ivy" League schools but all colleges. The reason, it takes more than skin color to succeed in college. Bush Jr. said it best, "The soft bigotry of low expectations." When the American voter, desperate for change voted for the Obama, they lowered their standards - everyone - even those on the left that put him into the White House - knew he was unqualified to be president, hell he wasn't even a good senator, but the bigotry of low expectations won over and he became president. The RESULT: probably the most disastrous presidency in American History and he is not even half way through his first term. People - the left - got caught up in the euphoria of race-based thinking, otherwise known as Groupthink, and now we have this mess in the White House. Every single the Obama initiative is tainted with his personal racial views of America. He is so entrenched in the racial pit of thought that he probably doesn't even understand that he cannot see the world any other way. Most Americans, not on the left, have been trying to move away from the issue of race for decades and just when we think we may have succeeded, along comes the Obama and his merry cadre of racists - Axel Rod, Reid and Pelosi. And here we are again - debating the same old issues over and over and over again.
So now it's time for the Right to pick up the race baton and beat the left about the head - let's make it a real issue - not this shady implied issue that the left is pushing, that the right are a bunch of racists - no, let's put it right out front, by pointing out that every single law passed by the left has, as intended, kept slavery alive and well through the welfare state, through never ending dependency on government, and by pointing out that the left doesn't think that minorities can stand and succeed on their own - "The soft bigotry of low expectations." It is time the Right stop rolling over on Race and face it head on - the data are on our side not the lefts.
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