Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Democratic Coup!?

WSJ: The Wages of Chavismo
As military "coups" go, the one this weekend in Honduras was strangely, well, democratic. The military didn't oust President Manuel Zelaya on its own but instead followed an order of the Supreme Court. It also quickly turned power over to the president of the Honduran Congress, a man from the same party as Mr. Zelaya. The legislature and legal authorities all remain intact.

President Obama is joining the U.N., Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez and other model democrats in demanding that Mr. Zelaya be allowed to return from exile and restored to power. Maybe it's time to sort the real from the phony Latin American democrats. (Don't limit it to phony Latin American democrats - toss in our phony democrat - the Obama.)
So way is the Obama calling for the return of Zelaya? The obvious reason and the only one that fits is that he is trying to do a favor for his fellow socialist Chavez. Che anyone?

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