Monday, June 15, 2009

Iran Election Round up

WSJ: Iran to Probe Claims of Vote Fraud - This is a well written balanced piece with a nice time line of events.

Washington Post: Muted Response Reflects U.S. Diplomatic Dilemma - A typical soft on Obama sop/puff story - the story's title say it all (there really is no dilemma - The Obama does not want to upset his Iranian allies), the rest of the story tries hard to paint Obama's non-response as measured and balanced. A relevant quote from the article, made by Mitt Romney is probably the best of the entire piece:
Appearing yesterday on ABC's "This Week," former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) said, "What has occurred is that the election is a fraud, the results are inaccurate, and you're seeing a brutal repression of the people as they protest."

"The president ought to come out and state exactly those words, indicate that this has been a terribly managed decision by the autocratic regime in Iran," said Romney, who has not ruled out another run for president in 2012. "It's very clear that the president's policies of going around the world and apologizing for America aren't working." (Emphasis mine)

WSJ: Israeli Minister Calls Iran a Threat

WSJ: Ahmadinejad Re-election a Blow to U.S.-Arab Allies

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