Friday, June 19, 2009

Does a falling tree make any sound when there is no Obama to hear?

WSJ: 'The Fear Is Gone'- Voices from Iran
By Kaveh from Tabriz - We ask the president not to accept this coup d'etat. (We - the American people - are sorry that the Obama has not supported your efforts more fully, preferring to instead support his Islamic ally Ahmadinejad.)
By Alireza in Tehran - Democracy is a long way ahead. I may not be alive to see that day. With eyes full of tears in these early hours of June 16, I glorify the courage of those who have already been killed. I hope that the blood of these martyrs will make every one of us more committed to freedom, to democracy and to human rights. (The blood of your martyrs are on the hands of our fearless Bleeder - the exalted Obama a mullah brother and supporter. He is too busy destroying his homeland to be bothered with the plight of Iranians in search of freedom - freedom is not the way of the most exalted Obama.)
By Negin in Tehran - People want to be heard and supported by the rest of the world. They were sending messages to the West with their cameras. They were calling on Obama and Sarkozy to demand that the Free World not recognize this government. I saw a few women shouting: "Now it's your turn to support democracy and human rights." (And we the American people are sorry that the Obama and the Sarkozy - his brother in the oppression of freedom - do not hear you. They have closed their minds to world freedom.)
Please read the whole article - these are Iranians calling for help, calling to the closed minded Obama.

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