Friday, June 26, 2009

Is it a Case of Obama Overload????

The death of pop icon Michael Jackson has managed to push more important and relevant news off the front pages of the liberal State Run media rags. While Mr. Jackson was a major influence on pop-culture and his death is a tragedy his passing is in no way of the magnitude of the mess that the Obama is creating. One cannot help but think that the Obama is relishing his fall from the limelight, temporary as it will be given our shallow and ADD (attention deficit disorder) society. We were surprised to find that Fox had preempted its normal news flow to jump on the bandwagon with the State Run media to push out hours of mindless drivel on a person who has been out of the spotlight for several years now. Maybe it reflects a growing Obama overload - too much of his open-door ears before the camera. To me, tragic as it is, the passing of Michael Jackson carries very little significance. Since his departure from the Jackson Five decades ago his music has little interested me. RIP Mr. Jackson.

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