Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A not so legal Beagle

Clearly Sotomayor was nominated not so much for her legal mind, though she seems to be capable. Her nomination was more about her liberal leaning and her personal journey. Obama was quick to point our her educational background and it is impressive, but I am one that judges a person less by the number of A's on their report card than by their actual ability to think. I suspect that the Republicans will be unable to oppose her appointment given their lack of numbers in the Senate. I would hope, though, that they do not shy away from a tough, yet fair, examination of her qualifications, including a thorough vetting of her ideological standing. I would also expect the Republicans to treat her with respect and not act like their Obamocrat counterparts have acted in the past when it came to Republican nominees. She will be appointed but it is important that everything about her has to be brought out in hearings. The Obamocrats will do well to not oppose the Republicans in their questioning of Sotomayor. It is possible that they may cut debate short to get her out of conference and onto the floor without much of an investigation. Let's hope that they act like adults and let the process go forward. It will be very important that her views that race and other not legal elements play a part in legal decisions be fully exposed. One of the biggest issues that rankle conservatives is that most liberal appointments to the Supreme Bench are ideologues who view the law as the least important element of a legal decision. Sotomayor will be no different and so it is important that it be made clear to the public.

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