Monday, May 25, 2009

A Follow Up

To follow up on my previous post, Obama gave two speeches today regarding North Korea's test of a nuclear weapon. Neither had the force or commitment of the Lloyd George speech of 1911 (here) but in both cases the "audience," in the case of Lloyd George, bankers, and in the case of Obama, the American public, few paid much attention. In both cases the cause is/was a deep distrust of and distraction by the respective administrations. For Obama distrust does not apply too much to the liberal left - for them, in fact it is a misguided trust of Obama and a total unwillingness to accept that talk alone carries no weight if not backed up by real commitment. For those on the right it is both, a lack of trust and our distraction with Obama's massive waste of our money. The right has heard these words before, we heard them with Carter and with Clinton, they are airy and meaningless. Bush made an attempt to apply the left's blather approach to foreign policy with Korea and failed miserably.

Britain, faced with the massive spending and taxing by its government was little in the mood to think about German aggression. Obama has done a good job of distracting American's and for the most part he is ignoring anything that doesn't directly relate to his socialist agenda. So, when he tosses out a few harsh words no one listens, the left because they are too busy with their heads up his arse, and the right because we know that they mean nothing.

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