A couple of weeks ago a colleague and I got into a heated discussion about Obamacare. Like many smart people he has been sucked into Obama-vortex and seems to have lost any sense of reality - kind of like being on a very potent hallucinogenic. Unfortunately by the time the effects of the drug wears off this country will be in a world of hurt - these smart people will wake to a horrendous Socialist hangover. While I agreed with him that Health Care in America needs revamping - it has been in serious need of that for a couple of decades. Where the real disagreement arose was on causes and who's responsible. Of course he blamed the insurance companies while I went the other direction and blamed the government and the American people themselves. The difficulty in debating my colleague is that he suffers from Emotional Derangement Syndrome - a condition the seems to plague more and more liberals. After a half an hour of heated discussion I gave up and went back to my computer. He had bought into the Obama delusion lock, stock and barrel and there was no convincing him that there was another more sensible alternative. He argued entirely from emotion and not from a calm rational presentation of evidence. That will be how Obamacare takes over our country - via emotion.
Here is a list of very important articles to read on Health Care in America and the change, for the worse, that is coming with Obamacare. I highly recommend the first article by Dustin Chambers, What is Driving Healthcare Costs. I would cut in quotes but the entire article is quotable so I will let the reader go directly to the link and read it in its entirety.
Here is a list of very important articles to read on Health Care in America and the change, for the worse, that is coming with Obamacare. I highly recommend the first article by Dustin Chambers, What is Driving Healthcare Costs. I would cut in quotes but the entire article is quotable so I will let the reader go directly to the link and read it in its entirety.
What is Driving Healthcare Costs? - Dustin Chambers
Busting Healthcare Myths - Robert Goldberg
Obama Healthcare 2.0 - Thomas P. Miller
Another important article: What DO We Know About the Uninsured? - Thomas P. Miller
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