Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Ignore em, It's in da Bag"

Gingrich: Sotomayor ‘racist,’ should withdraw nomination.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs responded to Gingrich's criticism at Wednesday's briefing.

"I think it is probably important for anybody involved in this debate to be exceedingly careful with the way in which they've decided to describe different aspects of this impending confirmation," Gibbs said.

The left knows that their candidate is a shoe-in given the right's inability to come together on anything and because the left has the numbers. So, as I have noted in a previous post Obama could nominate a trained ape and the left would vote it in without question and the right would be scratching their collective heads wondering why. Sotomayor is just the Obama testing the waters; she's an extremist and not so talented judge but she is nothing compared to the one that comes next if he gets a next. The Repubs need to get their act together and start understanding the ramifications to this country of all of their Kum-Ba-Yah-tic behavior. We don't have to agree with the Obama, we don't have to support the Obama and we certainly don't have to be nice to the Obama - he's doing none of that to us.

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