This story at the Washington Examiner has a kind of funny title: NKorea test-fires another missile in defiance of UN.
"In defiance of UN," as if NK ever paid any attention to the UN. So, what does the Obama propose to do about the latest NK behavior? Yep, talk about it. The quantity of greenhouse gas emissions from the Obame on NK should qualify him for EPA sanctions and at the very least he ought to buy a few of those carbon credits he yack's so much about. It has been a long time since I last heard so much wasted verbiage on a subject that could use some real direct action. While the Obama and the UN expend CO2 bloviating about all of the sanctions NK has violated Kim Jong Il and his band of merry mad scientists fire off missiles and collect data on their performance and something tells me they may be planning another underground test soon. Kim is openly taunting the US and pushing our buttons. He knows that the worst that will happen to him is some harsh words from the Obama - maybe some brow furrowing thrown in for good measure - but unless the Obama stops with his socialization of our country and actually focuses on something other than his navel then Kim will continue to act with impunity. China and the US don't share the same policy goals for North Korea so it would seem that we are wasting a lot of energy trying to get them on board with real action. Kim is either jerking our chain for the giggles of it because he knows he can or he is actually trying to provoke us - most likely over the Korean peninsula. NK is dangerous now, but the longer we wait it will become more dangerous. We can speculate that NK has no other Nukes available right now so if something is to be done then now is the time. If the Obama doesn't want to stand up for the world (or even a small piece - America) then let's let the Israelis take care of it. They have a real proactive leader. We can all get together and talk when the dust has settled.
"In defiance of UN," as if NK ever paid any attention to the UN. So, what does the Obama propose to do about the latest NK behavior? Yep, talk about it. The quantity of greenhouse gas emissions from the Obame on NK should qualify him for EPA sanctions and at the very least he ought to buy a few of those carbon credits he yack's so much about. It has been a long time since I last heard so much wasted verbiage on a subject that could use some real direct action. While the Obama and the UN expend CO2 bloviating about all of the sanctions NK has violated Kim Jong Il and his band of merry mad scientists fire off missiles and collect data on their performance and something tells me they may be planning another underground test soon. Kim is openly taunting the US and pushing our buttons. He knows that the worst that will happen to him is some harsh words from the Obama - maybe some brow furrowing thrown in for good measure - but unless the Obama stops with his socialization of our country and actually focuses on something other than his navel then Kim will continue to act with impunity. China and the US don't share the same policy goals for North Korea so it would seem that we are wasting a lot of energy trying to get them on board with real action. Kim is either jerking our chain for the giggles of it because he knows he can or he is actually trying to provoke us - most likely over the Korean peninsula. NK is dangerous now, but the longer we wait it will become more dangerous. We can speculate that NK has no other Nukes available right now so if something is to be done then now is the time. If the Obama doesn't want to stand up for the world (or even a small piece - America) then let's let the Israelis take care of it. They have a real proactive leader. We can all get together and talk when the dust has settled.
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