Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm Sorry I'm so Ignorant: The Obama Apology Tour II

So, the Obama is off to the Middle East on another one of his infamous apology tours and of course Israel is not on his itinerary. When one watches a movie the underdog is almost always easily identifiable - at the 99.99% level. When it comes to the Middle East the real underdog depends on your religious and political leanings. The State Run media would have everyone believe that of course the underdog are the Palestinians and by extension all of the Islamic world. The truth is, though, that no one can become the underdog by actions of their own doing, that is the Palestinians cannot be the underdog because their situation is a result of their own actions, as it is for the rest of the Muslim world. When one thinks of religions Islam is a johnny-come lately religion. Judaism had been around for nearly 2 millennium before Islam came into the mind of Muhammad and Christianity had been around for over 600 years. One might liken Islam to Mormonism - late in coming and possibly a reaction to the status quo. So, the Obama while he is out and about apologizing for the US's actions might actually educate himself and realize that it is not the US and Israel out to destroy Islam but that it is Islam out to destroy the US and Israel. Despite all of his protestations to the contrary (and those of the State Run Media and his WH minions) one cannot help but wonder about the Obama's religious leanings.

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