Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rethinking an earlier position

This article on the Wall Street Journal opinion page gives a different and more informative on Obama's plan to steal corporate revenue from companies that have business operations overseas. It is the article and explanation of what Obama is planning that I have been looking for. Each day I am less and less surprised at the animosity that Obama holds against American business. I sense that he genuinely hates companies, big and small. I know that he loathes the concept of profit. His firm belief seems to be that companies exist to employ people and beyond that nothing else matters. Thus the employee should be the principle benefit of the fruits of the company. This is socialism - this is what the Soviets practiced and look where they are now. It matters not how much of the risk the owner of the company holds or how much effort the owner exerts to bring in new business, the only thing that matters is the employee and his contribution to the company. Well, I am a bit off topic, but the basic fact is that by changing how companies that have overseas operations are taxed these companies will move overseas to avoid being double taxed.

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