In early April, former New York Times correspondent Joel Brinkley summed up the administration's initial performance:
Neither President Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has even uttered the word democracy in a manner related to democracy promotion since taking office more than two months ago. The State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor has put out 30 public releases, so far, and not one of them has discussed democracy promotion. Democracy, it seems, is banished from the Obama administration's public vocabulary.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hey, Michelle, What's this word "Democracy?" Get my dictionary
Che Obama
While president Obama has reacted much faster to the situation in Honduras than he did to the one in Iran, his critics say it shows even worse judgment. Obama being slow to scold the mullahs of Tehran but quick to denounce the overthrow of a would-be strongman in Tegucigalpa. As Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News Special Report -- “when you’re on the same side as Hugo Chavez, you’ve got a problem.”
A Democratic Coup!?
As military "coups" go, the one this weekend in Honduras was strangely, well, democratic. The military didn't oust President Manuel Zelaya on its own but instead followed an order of the Supreme Court. It also quickly turned power over to the president of the Honduran Congress, a man from the same party as Mr. Zelaya. The legislature and legal authorities all remain intact.
President Obama is joining the U.N., Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez and other model democrats in demanding that Mr. Zelaya be allowed to return from exile and restored to power. Maybe it's time to sort the real from the phony Latin American democrats. (Don't limit it to phony Latin American democrats - toss in our phony democrat - the Obama.)
NEWS FLASH: Get your handbaskets serviced - you'll need them
The rise of the women (or Pantywaist on occasion)
Monday, June 29, 2009
The soldier stood and faced God, Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining, Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?"
The soldier squared his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns, Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent, Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny, That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime, When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place, Among the people here.
They never wanted me around, Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much, But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was a silence all around the throne, Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly, For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you soldier, You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in Hell."
~Author Unknown~
Remember, it is the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Please pray for our men and women currently serving our country and pray for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
Honduran Democracy
But Honduras is not out of the Venezuelan woods yet. Yesterday the Central American country was being pressured to restore the authoritarian Mr. Zelaya by the likes of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Hillary Clinton and, of course, Hugo himself. The Organization of American States, having ignored Mr. Zelaya's abuses, also wants him back in power. It will be a miracle if Honduran patriots can hold their ground.The socialist Obamadministration is also chanting for the return of Zelaya.
Morning Must Reads | Washington Examiner
Sunday, June 28, 2009
President Fat Head
Here's a sentence that fits perfectly: Squandered America's treasure, security, and world pride for his own ego.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Negotiating with Killer Robots
Friday, June 26, 2009
Stupid is as the Obamocrats do
Is it a Case of Obama Overload????
Real Change
Civil rights groups and others on the political left want Americans to believe that the death of Section 5 would threaten the black franchise. But such scaremongering obscures their real agenda, which is preserving racially gerrymandered voting districts. Liberal Democrats like Section 5 because it gives legal cover to race-based redistricting. More than half of the blacks in Congress today come from Section 5 jurisdictions. (Emphasis mine)
Stupid Liberal Congressional Ideas
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Obamocrats NOT Democrats
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Media now has serious story to pursue
Via WSJ: South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admitted that he has had an extramarital affair and apologized to his wife and children. He held a press conference to explain a five-day trip to Argentina during which his staff and family said they did not know his whereabouts.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Morning Must Reads | Washington Examiner
Washington Post -- Iran Unrest Reveals Split In U.S. on Its Role Abroad
Washington Post -- Confidence in Stimulus Plan Ebbs, Poll Finds
Monday, June 22, 2009
Remember Neda
Obama - WEAK ON FOREIGN POLICY, (Anti America)
A Skunk By Any Other Name - Still Stinks!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Rudderless Nation
Frozen Actions
Eh, What
Interference is something Obama promised not to do in his recent speech to the Muslim world from Cairo as he tries to coax Iran's hardline regime to join the international community through talk rather than threats.Well, I little strategic pressure could bring Iran to its knees, but certainly the Obama cannot bring himself to take a stand against his ruthless Muslim brothers. I think that President Pantywaist fits nicely.
A Message to Iran from the First Driveler
Live Blogging Iran
The Adventures of President Pantywaist
If al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the rest of the Looney Tunes brigade want to kick America to death, they had better move in quickly and grab a piece of the action before Barack Obama finishes the job himself. Never in the history of the United States has a president worked so actively against the interests of his own people - not even Jimmy Carter.And this one:
Today Iran unclenched its fist - to slap President Pantywaist on the face. It seems, despite the chiding from Barack Obama, that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad feel quite comfortable on the wrong side of history.To read more of Mr. Warner's series on President Pantywaist - go here.
Dumb as a Stump
An Opportunity
Mr. Gates told reporters that the U.S. is positioning a sophisticated floating radar array in the ocean around Hawaii to track an incoming missile. The U.S. is also deploying missile-defense weapons to Hawaii that would theoretically be capable of shooting down a North Korean missile, should such an order be given, he said.For those who doubt are capability here is a chance to demonstrate!
Only Room for Ducks Here
Mutant Ants -
Friday, June 19, 2009
Does a falling tree make any sound when there is no Obama to hear?
By Kaveh from Tabriz - We ask the president not to accept this coup d'etat. (We - the American people - are sorry that the Obama has not supported your efforts more fully, preferring to instead support his Islamic ally Ahmadinejad.)
By Alireza in Tehran - Democracy is a long way ahead. I may not be alive to see that day. With eyes full of tears in these early hours of June 16, I glorify the courage of those who have already been killed. I hope that the blood of these martyrs will make every one of us more committed to freedom, to democracy and to human rights. (The blood of your martyrs are on the hands of our fearless Bleeder - the exalted Obama a mullah brother and supporter. He is too busy destroying his homeland to be bothered with the plight of Iranians in search of freedom - freedom is not the way of the most exalted Obama.)
By Negin in Tehran - People want to be heard and supported by the rest of the world. They were sending messages to the West with their cameras. They were calling on Obama and Sarkozy to demand that the Free World not recognize this government. I saw a few women shouting: "Now it's your turn to support democracy and human rights." (And we the American people are sorry that the Obama and the Sarkozy - his brother in the oppression of freedom - do not hear you. They have closed their minds to world freedom.)Please read the whole article - these are Iranians calling for help, calling to the closed minded Obama.
Puffing UP for North Korea
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Obamocratic Hypocrisy
Obama on the Fawning State Run Media
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
One Islamist would hardly criticize another - would they?
The President yesterday denounced the "extent of the fraud" and the "shocking" and "brutal" response of the Iranian regime to public demonstrations in Tehran these past four days."These elections are an atrocity," he said. "If [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad had made such progress since the last elections, if he won two-thirds of the vote, why such violence?" The statement named the regime as the cause of the outrage in Iran and, without meddling or picking favorites, stood up for Iranian democracy.
The President who spoke those words was France's Nicolas Sarkozy.
The French are hardly known for their idealistic foreign policy and moral fortitude. Then again many global roles are reversing in the era of Obama.
Obama and Sleaze (The Sleazocrats)
Change is no change in Iran
The west spends too much time worrying about things like "fair elections" in these radical third world countries. Look at Chavez in Venezuela, he came to power because of massive public popularity but the second time around his return to power had nothing to do with popularity - it was a rigged election, but it looked "fair" to the outside because so many people came out to support him.
If the Mullahs change their minds and let Mousavi become president - they came out quickly in support of Ahmadinejad when he declared victory - the only change we'll see in Iran is the president's name. Sure, Mousavi may not be so radically vocal as Ahmadinejad and may talk softer toward the west, but Iran will still be a rogue state, supporting world terrorism, working to destroy Israel and still developing a nuclear weapon. The softer public stand will only lull neophytes like the Obama into thinking that Iran wants dialogue with the west, while they slip the knife deeper into the west's back.
Because the Obama has no real foreign policy toward the Middle East, these are dangerous times for America and the world. The Obamocrats are easily fooled by soft talk and fancy rhetoric - heck that's how Obama got elected (Sheep always move in a flock when goaded, its the way of liberal). So, the only question that the Mullah's need to answer is, "What kind of public face do they want for Iran?" I think that the Obama would prefer a less flamboyant face - like Mousave, that way the Obama can ignore Iran and focus on destroying America. Change in Iran, like in America, means nothing.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Biden admits Obamomonics isn't and doesn't work!
Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that "everyone guessed wrong" on the impact of the economic stimulus...The vice president said losses each month have dropped, although the economy is still losing jobs.
"Can I claim credit that all of that's due to the recovery package? No. But it clearly has had an impact," Biden said.
Biden said the estimates were based on standard economic models.
Sounds like the way Democrats in America win elections!?
Mr. Ahmadinejad was credited with more votes than anyone in Iran's history. If the results are to be believed, he won in all 30 provinces, and among all social and age categories. His three rivals, all dignitaries of the regime, were humiliated by losing even in their own hometowns. This was an unprecedented result even for the Islamic Republic, where elections have always been carefully scripted charades.
He hasn't so far
That moral obligation goes especially for the Obama Administration. President Obama came to office promising the world's dictators an open hand in exchange for an unclenched fist. But as with Kim Jong Il's nuclear advances and the sham trial of two Americans in North Korea, Mr. Khamenei has repudiated the President's diplomacy of friendly overture. It turns out that the "axis of evil" really is evil -- and not, as liberal sages would have it, merely misunderstood.The vote should prompt Mr. Obama to rethink his pursuit of a grand nuclear bargain with Iran, though early indications suggest he plans to try anyway. On Saturday, the New York Times quoted one unnamed senior Administration official to the effect that the election uproar would cause Mr. Ahmadinejad to be more receptive to Mr. Obama's overtures as a sop to disgruntled public opinion. If the Administration really believes this, then Mr. Obama is the second coming of Jimmy Carter and the mullahs will play him for time to get their bomb.
However, Mr. Obama has also stressed the importance of democracy, rule of law and transparency, most recently in the June 4 Cairo speech in which he addressed himself directly to the world's Muslims, Iranian-Muslims included. Now the stand-off in Tehran will test -- more quickly than Mr. Obama probably imagined -- whether he was serious when he said "we will welcome all elected, peaceful governments -- provided they govern with respect for all their people."
Iran Election Round up
Appearing yesterday on ABC's "This Week," former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) said, "What has occurred is that the election is a fraud, the results are inaccurate, and you're seeing a brutal repression of the people as they protest."WSJ: Israeli Minister Calls Iran a Threat"The president ought to come out and state exactly those words, indicate that this has been a terribly managed decision by the autocratic regime in Iran," said Romney, who has not ruled out another run for president in 2012. "It's very clear that the president's policies of going around the world and apologizing for America aren't working." (Emphasis mine)
WSJ: Ahmadinejad Re-election a Blow to U.S.-Arab Allies
Sunday, June 14, 2009
"And the Spirit of God hovered upon the face of the waters" -- Genesis 1:2
Obama undoubtedly thinks he is demonstrating historical magnanimity with all these moral equivalencies and self-flagellating apologetics. On the contrary. He's showing cheap condescension, an unseemly hunger for applause and a willingness to distort history for political effect.Distorting history is not truth-telling, but the telling of soft lies. Creating false equivalencies is not moral leadership, but moral abdication. And hovering above it all, above country and history, is a sign not of transcendence but of a disturbing ambivalence toward one's own country.
Iran Burns, Obama Fiddles
Update: Check out this link here - 50 -100 Iranians dead.
Chrysler Debacle Legal Summaries and Commentary
Insisting that it was denying a postponement “in this case alone,” the two-page order said the challengers had not met their burden of showing that a delay was justified. The reference to this case alone perhaps was a signal that the Court did not want its order to appear to give advance clearance for any other government rescue plan — such as that to save another auto company, General Motors.George Will: More Judicial Activism, Please
"We," said Queen Victoria, employing the royal plural, "are not amused." "We," said the Treasury Department on Tuesday, relishing the royal prerogatives it exercises nowadays, "are gratified that not a single court that reviewed this matter, including the U.S. Supreme, found any fault whatsoever with the handling of this matter by either Chrysler or the U.S. government." Is it lese-majeste to note that Treasury is being misleading?
Of course courts should not make policy or invent rights not stipulated or implied by statutes or the Constitution's text. But courts have no nobler function than that of actively defending property, contracts and other bulwarks of freedom against depredations by government, including by popularly elected, and popular, officials. Regarding Chrysler and GM, the executive branch is exercising powers it does not have under any statute or constitutional provision. At moments such as this, deference to the political branches constitutes dereliction of judicial duty.
Kim Jong Il picks a successor

Cashtration (n.)
Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
It's An Obama World
Hold on tight, I am, I'm the Revolution
Update: Washington Examiner: Secretary Clinton rejects election win claim by Ahmadinejad. Unfortunately Clinton has just about no credibility anywhere.
(Un)intended Consequences
Saturday, June 13, 2009
By the color of their skin, not by the content of their character - Sotomayor
In reading her lecture – which I would urge everyone who comments on Judge Sotomayor to do – one gets the sense she has more or less given up on the notion of overcoming “sympathies and prejudices” to reach fairness and integrity “based on the reason of law.” The main thrust of her argument is to rebut the proposition put forth by Judge Cederbaum that there is danger in gender-based and ethnic-based judging. The “aspiration of impartiality” is just that, an aspiration – and a fanciful one to boot. Because our gender and national origins will have a profound effect on our judgment, we should simply accept those limitations. Nor is there is an “objective stance”; there is, rather, a “series of perspectives.” And according to Sotomayor, her Latina perspective is superior to all others.
This line of reasoning is at the core of identity politics, which is a step beyond the multiculturalism embraced by those on the Left. She takes a perfectly reasonable and obvious fact – we are all shaped by our experiences, therefore making perfect objectivity an impossible standard to meet – and seems to give up on the quest for impartiality.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Answer to Obamacare
Communism's Horrors to be Exposed
Update: At Human Events, Communists in the government: Where Else Are the Castro Spies?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Despite a few exceptions that are tirelessly (and selectively) cited by advocates of a higher minimum wage, the bulk of the evidence -- from scores of studies, using data mainly from the U.S. but also from many other countries -- clearly shows that minimum wages reduceemployment of young, low-skilled people. The best estimates from studies since the early 1990s suggest that the 11% minimum wage increase scheduled for this summer will lead to the loss of an additional 300,000 jobs among teens and young adults. This is on top of the continuing job losses the recession is likely to throw our way.
The reduction in jobs for youths might be an acceptable price to pay if a higher minimum wage delivered other important benefits. Many people believe, for instance, that it helps low-income families. Here, too, the evidence is discouraging. There is no research supporting the claim that minimum wages reduce the proportion of families living in poverty. Research I've done with William Wascher of the Federal Reserve Board and Mark Schweitzer of the Cleveland Fed indicates that minimum wages increase poverty. (Emphasis mine.)
Time to get the Obamocrats out of the Auto Industry
Trucks with above-average fuel economy for their class would also qualify. They include the Chevy Silverado, the two-wheel-drive Ford F-150, and the Toyota Tacoma (built in California). Drivers could also choose from an array of Toyotas and Hondas built by American workers in U.S. factories -- such as the Toyota Camry (built in Kentucky) and the Honda Accord (built in Ohio).
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Never Underestimate the Power of Class Warfare
Both Chrysler and the Obama administration argued strenuously that speed was of the essence in the company's Chapter 11 restructuring, and that any delays could jeopardize the Auburn Hills, Mich., auto maker's future, chasing away potential customers, straining its suppliers, and potentially causing Fiat to turn away from the deal.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
From Here to Eternity
Eclipse Assets Headed For Auction Block (Albuquerque Journal, 09 Jun 2009, Page A1)
By Richard Metcalf Journal Staff Writer
Albuquerque Journal
09 Jun 2009
What’s left of now-defunct Eclipse Aviation amounts to a paltry sum compared to the more than $1 billion in debt reported by the company when it entered U.S. Bankruptcy Court last November. All the tools, equipment, computers, office supplies more...
With Interest!
"The Treasury Department said it will allow 10 of the nation's largest banks to repay $68 billion in government bailout money.
The Treasury says the banks will be allowed to repay the money they received from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program funds. The banks have been eager to get out of the TARP program to escape government restrictions such as caps on executive compensation.
The Treasury Department did not name the banks involved, but Morgan Stanley said it is repaying $10 billion in TARP capital."
Weaselly words and a little help from his friends at the Press
"The expression 'create or save,' which has been used regularly by the President and his economic team, is an act of political genius," writes Mr. Mankiw. "You can measure how many jobs are created between two points in time. But there is no way to measure how many jobs are saved. Even if things get much, much worse, the President can say that there would have been 4 million fewer jobs without the stimulus."Read the whole article.
Subtle Changes at NASA - Are we going to stay home?
In a move that reflects the uncertainty surrounding NASA's current strategy for replacing the space shuttle and returning astronauts to the Moon by 2020, House appropriators slashed by 16 percent the space agency's $4 billion request for manned space exploration in 2010.
Other recommendations contained in the bill include a $77million reduction in NASA's proposed space operations budget, which includes the space shuttle and international space station; a $6 million reduction in science; and a $332 million shift in funds from the Cross Agency Support account to a new budget line-item included in the subcommittee's mark. Dubbed Construction and Environmental Compliance, the new account would be funded at $441 million. Congressional aides said the new line item and accompanying funds are aimed at consolidating NASA's various construction efforts into a single pot of money.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Galactic Obesity
Astronomers report that some of the biggest supermassive black holes in nearby galaxies are at least twice and possibly four times as heavy as previously estimated. The findings come from new simulations by two independent teams of researchers, as well as new observations of stars whipping around a handful of supermassive black holes at the centers of massive galaxies no more than a few hundred million light-years from Earth.
Obamanomics at Work - but not for you

The Politics of Race
Judge Sotomayor is the archetypal challenger. Challengers see the moral authority that comes from their group's historic grievance as an entitlement to immediate parity with whites -- whether or not their group has actually earned this parity through development. If their group is not yet competitive with whites, the moral authority that comes from their grievance should be allowed to compensate for what they lack in development. This creates a terrible corruption in which the group's historic grievance is allowed to count as individual merit. And so a perverse incentive is created: Weakness and victimization are rewarded over development. Better to be a troublemaker than to pursue excellence.Sonia Sotomayor is of the generation of minorities that came of age under the hegemony of this perverse incentive. For this generation, challenging and protesting were careerism itself. This is why middle- and upper middle-class minorities are often more militant than poor and working-class minorities. America's institutions -- universities, government agencies, the media and even corporations -- reward their grievance. Minority intellectuals, especially, have been rewarded for theories that justify grievance.
The above quote is just a taste of a very damning article on Obama's race politics. Read the entire piece.
The state of State Run Media
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Washington Examiner has an interesting story here.
Befitting a Hero
A pleasant surprise in President Obama's Thursday speech on the Middle East was his rhetorical shift on democracy. His audience at Cairo University applauded his commitment "to governments that reflect the will of the people" and "freedom to live as you choose." So why is his Administration cutting support for democracy promotion?
Stuck in Omaha
Obamonomics at Work in an Obamocrat State
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Boone Blogging
'The selection of this item to highlight in the "historic" speech is a window on what was wrong with the overall tone of the speech. While the speech was good in some specific respects, the overall tone was one of moral equivalence and subjugation to grievance politics. And the Muslim charity canard is a prime example'
Broken Buchanan
Race to Oblivion: Obama, Chrysler and the end of an American Icon
The Obama administration rushed an alliance between Chrysler and Fiat despite Chrysler's worries about Fiat's financial health and its willingness to share technology, according to internal company emails.
The emails show Fiat ignoring requests for documents and trying to change contract terms late in the talks.
The documents provide a glimpse at the tense debates that shaped Chrysler's final days as it raced to find a suitor.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Praise To Allah
President Barack Obama called for a "new beginning between the United States and Muslims" in a much-anticipated speech at Cairo University aimed at redefining and improving relationships with Muslims. "This cycle of suspicion and discord must end," he said, addressing the Islamic world, hoping to reframe relations after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the war in Iraq. Obama also spoke on the issues of Iraq, the situation between Israelis, Palestinians and the Arab world, nuclear weapons, democracy, religious freedom and women's rights.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
He would know
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.
I'm Sorry I'm so Ignorant: The Obama Apology Tour II
New Leader of Islam
Intolerable Behavior
Oooh, Brutal!
Auto expert William J. Holstein writing at
The Big Three figured [that the arrival of foreign auto manufacturers in the U.S.] would saddle the Japanese with the same labor costs and the same labor problems they had. But they were wrong. The Japanese located in mostly southern and border states that were solidly anti-union. They hired younger, less expensive workers, and they created an entirely new relationship between management and labor. This led to an entirely new auto industry. The net effect was to rachet up the competitive pressures on Detroit, not ease them. . . . That was followed by yet another rude awakening last November when the then-CEOs of GM, Ford and Chrysler came to testify in Washington, D.C., and found out that the government wouldn't be bailing them out. Southern Republicans, many of whom represented states with nonunion auto factories, chewed the CEOs up before the cameras. Newly powerful California environmentalists assaulted them. The center of the national consensus regarding the importance of the domestically owned auto industry had shifted, and American media coverage was also thoroughly hostile.
Carter, Really?! Who would've thunk it?
Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter. The latter really did face the unraveling of an indispensable industry. Mr. Obama faces not a collapse of the domestic auto industry, but collapse of two companies miserable enough to have been extant in the 1930s when the Wagner Act was foisted upon the industry.Please read the whole thing, then rethink any liberal ideas, you might harbor, about who's to blame for the fall of Chrysler and GM.We have a second auto industry, founded after the political and legal system had thought better of mandatory unionization, born of foreign parents, mostly in the South. It's surviving the recession without extraordinary help...
We're still waiting for the brave, original thinking that we were told Mr. Obama represented. Like Washington circa 1978, he has landed for once in a situation where something more than symbolism is required of him. He has finally glided into the land of the real, where the key measurable outcome is no longer whether an audience is glowing with self-approval when he leaves the room.
Unfortunately, Mr. Obama, that freethinker, took to the CAFE fraud like a bat to a belfry. He signaled his arrival on the presidential stage by sternly demanding higher mileage standards early in his campaign. The "change" candidate who might have broken with a generation of political cant about CAFE instead appropriated the fraud for his own careerist purposes. (Emphasis mine)
The Race Maze
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Shuttle Returns to Florida

The Space Shuttle Atlantis rides aboard the 747 transport aircraft June 1 as it takes off from Edwards Air Force Base. In the background, the NASA camera airplane.
Credit: Nick Smirnoff
More here with pics.
Air France Tragedy
Acronym Zoo!
Kim Jong UN - How Appropriate
We don't take him serious either
Be and Adult but don't encourage him, VOTE NO to Sotomayor
The choice for Republicans isn't between "attack" and "roll over." It's broader than that, and more interesting. There's a new and fresh opportunity here for Republicans in the Senate to be serious, and, in their seriousness, to be seen and understood in a new light.Serious opposition to Judge Sotomayor is not only fair, it's necessary: It's your job to oppose if you oppose. But it should be serious, not merely partisan. Mr. Obama himself well knows he voted against John Roberts and Sam Alito only in essence because they were conservative. He was planning a presidential run and playing to a left-wing base. But that didn't enhance his reputation, did it? Not with anyone who wasn't part of his base.
Don't grill and grandstand, summon and inform. Show the respect that expresses equality and the equality that is an expression of respect. Ask and listen, get the logic, explain where you think it wrong. Fill the airwaves with thoughtful exchanges.
And then, Ms. Noonan, the Republicans should, all of them, vote no.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Another Industry Slated for Government Take Over
Take Heed Republican Wimps!
President Barack Obama has laid down his ground rules for the debate over Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. The big question now is whether Republicans agree to play by rules that neither Mr. Obama nor his party have themselves followed.
Ground Rule No. 1, as decreed by the president, is that this is to be a discussion primarily about Judge Sotomayor's biography, not her qualifications. The media gurus complied, with inspiring stories of how she was born to Puerto Rican immigrants, how she was raised by a single mom in a Bronx housing project, how she went on to Princeton and then Yale. In the years that followed she presumably issued a judicial opinion here or there, but whatever.
Which brings us to Ground Rule No. 2, which is that Republicans are not allowed to criticize Judge Sotomayor, for the reason that she is the first Hispanic nominee to the High Court. The Beltway media also dutifully latched on to this White House talking point, reporting threats from leading Democrats, including New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who intoned that Republicans "oppose her at their peril."
Republicans will be tempted by this history to go ugly. They might instead lay down their own rules, the first being that they will not partake in the tactics of personal destruction that were waged by the left on nominees such as Mr. Thomas or Mr. Alito or Mr. Estrada. But the party could also make a rule to not be scared away from using Judge Sotomayor's nomination, or future Obama picks, as platforms for big, civil, thorough debates about the role of the courts and the risk of activist judges to American freedoms and beliefs.
"Nice try, Mr. President, but I'm not buying the poor-choice-of-words defense for Sonia Sotomayor [in her statement] 'I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life' . . . You spin the speech that's dealt you. But it seems clear to me that Sotomayor, to quote that great jurist Dr. Seuss, meant what she said and said what she meant. This was no throwaway line or off-the-cuff linguistic stumble along the lines of the judge's other controversial comment about appeals courts making policy. Rather, Sotomayor was deliberately and directly disputing remarks by then-Justice Sandra Day O'Connor that a wise old woman and a wise old man would eventually reach the same conclusion in a case. . . . Moreover, if Sotomayor regretted that YouTube moment, she had the chance to revise and extend: Her remarks were reprinted in the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal. Knowing the multi-layered editing process of law journals, I'd be shocked if Sotomayor did not at least have the chance to review the transcript of her speech and make any tweaks"AMEN!
Mr. Buckley
In times of perplexity evangelical Christians ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?" Conservatives trying to regroup in the age of Obama might ask themselves, "What would William F. Buckley Jr. do?"
The most important lesson of his career is that there are limits to accommodation. Buckley came to fame in the early 1950s after two decades of liberal Democratic dominance, the Fair Deal of Harry Truman having followed the New Deal of FDR. When Republicans finally recaptured Congress and the White House in 1952, it was a case of new men and old measures. The new president, Dwight Eisenhower, despite his conservative instincts, was unwilling to pick ideological fights. On the sidelines of politics, the poet Peter Viereck called for a New Conservatism dedicated to managing change gracefully and recognizing liberal Democrats like Adlai Stevenson as its natural leaders. Germany, Japan and (it seemed) the Depression had been beaten by great collective efforts. The world had moved into a new era, and conservatives should recognize the fact.
Buckley would have none of it. He wanted a conservatism that stood for capitalism and freedom. The Cold War required another great mobilization, which Buckley supported wholeheartedly, but he would not lose sight of his individualistic goals. In 1955, when he founded National Review as the journal of opinion for his kind of conservatism, he declared its purpose to be "to stand athwart history, yelling 'Stop!'" He yelled because he hoped to be heard. Liberalism had been ascendant for years, but that didn't mean it always would be.
Early in his career he justified obstacles to black suffrage in the South -- "the white community," he wrote in 1959, "is entitled . . . to prevail politically because, for the time being anyway, the leaders of American civilization are white." He ended his career in despair over the Iraq War, concluding as early as 2005 that we should bug out -- "our part of the job is done as well as it can be done, given limitations on our will and our strength."He changed his mind on both issues, embracing the civil-rights historiography of the political scientist Harry V. Jaffa and supporting the surge in Iraq when it began in 2007. Being wrong is the risk you run by thinking and acting. The only people who are never wrong are hermits -- unless withdrawing from the arena is itself wrong. For Buckley quietism was never an option. (Emphasis mine.)
Advice from a once not so great Socialist
Most Americans probably agree that we have elected a highly articulate, talented president in Barack Obama. He has also given us a potentially great Secretary of State in Hillary Clinton. (Well, let me tell you Mr. McGovern, some Americans do not believe this at all and as things stand now, we will never know if Clinton is a good or a bad Secretary of State - The Obama controls every minute detail of his staff of yes-people that she has not a thought of her own. Many Americans are not easily swayed by large quantities of human green house gas emissions in the form of empty vapid speeches by a former Community Organizer.)
Nonetheless, our military budget is higher than ever -- $515 billion annually, not including the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan. (Well, it is the one thing that the Constitution actually mandates. We could easily save $2.5T by eliminating most of the social programs of the budget and just concentrate on protecting ourselves and paying down the huge deficit. If the Obama and congress (and by congress I mean not just the socialists but also the republicans - woops, I am almost being redundant) would focus on what the Constitution mandates as being their jobs then things would actually improve.)
Much of the arms spending is for things that are capital-intensive but low on job creation. The reverse is true for public investment in such things as upgrading our decaying infrastructure, protecting the environment, providing quality teachers and schools, and improved health care. (Unfortunately, Mr. McGovern, it is not the place of government to grow government. By spending trillions on social programs the government is doing no more than creating Trillions in debt. Little or nothing has come of the Obama's first package of economic squandering - people are still out of work and the debt grows. His budget will amount to the same thing but by a factor of 4.)
It's Going to be a Long Summer!
"If North Korea turns its back on dialogue and peace and dares to carry out military threats and provocations, the Republic of Korea will never tolerate that," Lee said in his regular radio address. "I want to make clear that there won't be any compromise on things that threaten our nation's security."Now let's contrast that with what the Obama will probably say:
"Uh, how come this damn Teleprompter aint' working - Uh, well, Uh, as I have said before, Uh, we are going to ask, uh, damn Teleprompter is making me look bad, Uh - who gave it the week off anyway? Uh, as I have said before, I have furrowed my brows more deeply than before, Uh, someone call Hillary, this is her mess, I have an ACORN board meeting at 1 o'clock, Uh to discuss giving them more taxpayer money - crap, did I say that out loud? Uhhhh, well heck, the press will overlook it, anyway as I have said we will beg the UN to act really, really tough. Someone send Kim Jong Il some chocolate and tell him to Uhhhh, chill out. Dammit, where's Hillary when you need someone to do something, Uh"