Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Does Freedom Mean to You??

For many Americans, that is liberals, freedom isn't about making personal choices then taking responsibility for those choices. No, for them freedom means being able to act irresponsibly and getting away with it. Thus the primary reason why they fight so hard to keep abortion legal. Liberals screamed bloody murder when congress passed (and recently renewed) the Patriot Act. They saw it as an infringement on our civil liberties, which liberties it infringed upon they would never say. After 6 or 7 years no one can point to a single case of an individual having their civil rights infringed. Freedom means being able to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but not a right o sue because you got cancer - despite the warnings the you might. Freedom is being able to drive any type of car or truck that that you want. Freedom is not having your paycheck confiscated by the government to fund State mandated health care - which in the end only benefits a small percentage of the population, 75-80% of which are uninsured because of their own doing. This goes back to my original point that liberals view freedom as the ability to behave irresponsibly with no consequences. With rights comes responsibilities - so said a former president.

As government has grown (and socialism) and pervaded every aspect of our lives Americans having become lazy and dependent upon that government for just about everything. It is now accepted and expected that the lives of more than half of our population will be subsidized or paid for by the other less than fifty percent. I say "more than half" because I don't know the numbers. The numbers say that almost 50% of WORKING Americans pay no income taxes and of those at least 50% get some kind of government income credit. That non tax paying group makes up the largest share of our population when their families are included. In reality it is the top 5% of the population subsidizing 60-70% of the population. There is a middle group in there 25-30% of the population that struggles to feed itself - we call them the middle class.

The only thing the government owes Americans is to stay out of our way and stop stealing our money. People in this country have (well used to have) the freedom to take care of themselves and that is their sole responsibility - note that word. I don't owe anyone a house or a care of health care and they don't owe me the same.

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