Friday, August 28, 2009

When governments are ruled by juveniles

Sometimes I think that the best thing for my health would be to retire and move to some island country in the Caribbean and hang out on the beach and drink rum drinks. Living in America today and worrying about what stupid thing the Obama and his cabal are going to do next is taking its tool. In the entirety of American history the Obama has to be the least serious president we have ever had. He and his group of merry henchmen (I'm being politically incorrect here on purpose) are like a bunch of fresh-out college grads giddy with their idealistic socialist views of the world running around making this and that decree and trying to actually execute the Marx/Engle playbook. Of course they would not be so successful if it were not for the old guard cold war communists Pelosi and Reid. Every time the Obama or one of his minions open their mouths and talk their feet enter so deeply you can see them emerging from their tushes. Every liberal out their piled on Bush when he came to office and yet when they take an honest look at his tenure there is not a single serious issue that they can point to that didn't help this country become great. The first 8 months of the Obama's reign of terror has done more to diminish this country then all of the liberal reigns in our history. Every one of the Obama's helpers is a sad excuse for a human being and even more a sad excuse for an administrator. The Obama turns his back on every single bad decision made by Holder and others the are working to destroy our country.

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