Friday, August 14, 2009

DBW: DeadBeat Wars

For those of us with vested interest in the funding of National Security programs - it is our livelihood you might say - cutting funding for new technologies that could help save American lives in favor of domestic programs that encourage and fund more deadbeats doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Every dollar pissed off on some deadbeat American could just as easily be flushed down a toilet - doing so would cost thousands less than wasting it on welfare programs, because every dollar spent on some porkulus program will cost $1000's of additional dollars just to administer. A dollar spent on a DoD program is a job and that is what we need more jobs not more dead beats. WSJ article: A Laser Defense Hit. I have a great idea, why don't we make a huge net out of all of the deadbeats and launch it into space to catch incoming enemy missiles. Or better yet, when you get your handout check you have to volunteer to be a projectile for shooting down missiles. At least then you will be providing some useful service to your country other than being a doormat.

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