Thursday, August 6, 2009

A good day to be Angry!

Today is a good day to be angry. Not at America, because despite the crud in Congress and in the White House, this is still a great country. But today is a good day to be angry at the start of the decline of our greatness. The confirmation of Sotomayor is a strike at the heart of our greatness, because it says to the world that we're not serious about justice, that race and feelings and ignorance are more important that being the best. The Obama from the day he began his squattership in the White House has demonstrated with each action that he cares nothing about America or the American people. His nomination of Sotomayor and the Obamasenate's confirmation gives new meaning to the phrase, "Garbage in, Garbage out." The Obamasenators didn't even debate the merits of the nominee they just slobbered on her and voted yes - master. Well, the left has gotten what they have always wanted, a true leftist idealogue, an unoriginal thinker that will push the party line.

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