Saturday, August 1, 2009

Easy, when it is not your money

Sitting at the small, local hangout, Counter Culture waiting to take delivery of a huge breakfast cinnamon roll I can take a minute to post some thoughts. In the news the House gleefully voted to dump an extra couple of billion dollars of OPM (other people's money) into the cash-for-debt program - sometimes known as cash-for-perfectly good cars. Americans are already saddled with trillions of dollars of debt - credit cards, mortgages and car payments. So it just really makes a lot of sense to have a program that uses other people's money to increase that debt - NOT! Here's the Obama whining that Americans need to turn up their thermostats, drive less, eat less - stop being consumers. Then along comes: Let the government help increase your debt by buying a new car you don't need program! It is an interesting form of consumer socialism. The government will take working (in this case people with more money than I have) people's money and use it to put poor people further into poverty - and they say slavery is dead!

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