Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Taxes and other Liberal Twinkie Lies

Nobody with half a brain, believed anything the Obama and his liberal Twinkies said about taxes and not raising the taxes on those who make under $250K. With each trillion in new spending that has been proposed by the Obama has come the realization, a realization that everyone but the Kool-Aid drinking Obamocrats has understood from the beginning, that he cannot pay for his reckless squandering on the backs of just the rich. It is now quite obvious to everyone who wants to open their eyes that the working middle class will once again carry the burden of the Obama's socialist programs. Byron York has a piece at the Washington Examiner: You can bet on it: Obama will raise your taxes,
Their concerns are entirely rational. Economists left and right have long argued that there is no way Obama can pay for a national health care makeover and a host of other expensive initiatives without breaking his campaign pledge not to raise taxes for anyone making less than $250,000. The wealthy are already paying a grossly disproportionate percentage of federal income taxes, and increasing taxes on them won't raise enough money to meet Obama's needs.

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