Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The First Hypocrit (or is that Drooler)

Known affectionately in America as the First Hypocrite, the Obama Preaches democracy to Moscow Students. That is hypocrisy of the first order. Here, the president that turned his back on the Iranian democracy movement and tossed Honduras overboard for a fellow socialist (Oh by the way, in Chavezland and other socialist Latin American countries the Obama is referred to quite affectionately as El primer Kisser del asno.), is "preaching" to students that have more knowledge and understanding of what democracy is about than the Obama will have if he lived to be 10000 years old. The Obama is little different from their own persecutor Putin. Both seek to suppress rights and freedoms and control the flow of information and both are socialists/communists of the first magnitude. If I were the Obama I would immediately higher a crank historian to start writing the history of my administration - it is so far, less than six months in - an utter disaster. I might have the historian focus on a bunch of little accomplisments, like not peeing on self when using the potty seat, or hey not drooling while eating - or maybe working hard to ween self from TOTUS. A pile of little accomplishments like those above could, in 2 or 3 generations really change America's attitude about the First Drooler - oh sorry The Obama!!

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