Compared to the performances by Justices Roberts and Alito during their confirmation hearings, that of Sotomayor has been rank and amateurish. On nearly every controversial topic from her past she has backtracked giving the impression that though she said what she said and did what she did she did not mean any of it and was basically just plain stupid. This form of denial or the moving Mea Culpa, is no doubt the result of hours of professional coaching by the Obama's team of first class liars. It is the classical liberal mantra, my past is my past, I am different now. More to the truth is that they will say whatever needs to be said then when they have the job they could go back to being themselves. Sotomayor will be the next justice on the bench. There is nothing that the Repubs can do to stop it because content of character does not matter to the Obamocrats. She is an Hispanic women and a left idealogue - what more could they ask for. She could say anything and do anything and she would be confirmed. So, wonders why it is that she is denying her past behavior. Why not just fess up to her liberal beliefs and let the world see what kind of crap the Obama has chosen for the High Court. As they say in the computer world "garbage in, garbage out."
Michelle Malkin has a nice summary of media commentary on the Soto(or is that Soso)-hearings:
Sotomayor’s so-so reviews thus far:
What do these bad reviews for Sotomayor mean? It doesn’t mean she won’t get confirmed. The White House has no intention of closing this show now and admitting defeat, and the Senate Democrats won’t let Sotomayor fail in order to protect their new President. However, her performance adds fuel to the Republican argument that Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor not because she was the best possible candidate and not because she was a moderate, but strictly for political purposes. None of this will affect her tenure on the Supreme Court, but it will provide further evidence that Obama has a big problem in selecting people for his administration, and that there seems to be little effort at vetting nominees for important positions.
In short, every prevarication and stumble Sotomayor makes deepens the impression that Obama is not a competent executive. That’s the real danger for Obama in these hearings, and the tough questioning of Jeff Sessions and Lindsey Graham has made it a reality.
Here is an interesting exchange between Sotomayor and Jon Kyl (R. AZ):
The 'Empathy' Paradox.
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