Monday, July 13, 2009

Let the Circus Begin - What Republican Senator should do

The Sotomayor confirmation hearings begin today. They are a mere formality given that the Obamocrats have the votes to put her on the bench without a single Repub. The hearing will begin with a lot of oooing and aaaahing and gushing by the Obamocrats - not because she is the best, or even in the ball park, but because she is the Messiah's pick. The left will even try to short circuit the Repubs strategy by asking her questions about her speeches and bad rulings. Of course they will do in a manner that makes her look like the hero in each case. This will have a potentially deflating effect on the Repubs, if they let it. Many repubs will be worried about the Hispanic vote if they push too hard on her. To them I say - get another job. Your job is not to bow to political expediency, it is to uphold the Constitution by doing your job. She is a poor choice by any measure despite what Chuck "Up her hiney" Shummer says. There will be a lot of grandstanding by the Obamocrats as they talk up Sotomayor's sappy life story while avoiding anything of substance. A few Repubs will chime in with some platitudes then - cameras snapping and clowns doing what clowns do. There will be an attempt at some measure of decorum but given Sotomayor's liberal "rock star" status it will be a circus. The State Run Media will accuse the right of picking on her even if all they say is good morning judge. It is not a good time to be a Republican right now, because so many of those in Congress that we have championed and supported through thick and thin, have sold out to left. They want their jobs more than they want to do the right thing. The right thing for the Republicans to do is hold dignified hearings, in which they take Sotomayor to task for every thing she has said, written and thought, and to push her on her rulings from the bench. Do it non-confrontationally and with respect, then vote NO for her confirmation - in the subcommittee and in the main Senate Chambers. The Obama already does not expect a bipartisan confirmation and will use that to sway Hispanics in the next election. So, the Republicans are on the down side anyway it is sliced, so they should do the right thing - not the easy thing - and vote no. Bush nominated more Hispanics to high positions, including the Supreme Court than the Obamocrats will do even if the Obama is in office in 2013, so the Republicans have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to Hispanics. It was the Obamocrats that blocked their Bush appointees. Republicans need to push this home with the Hispanics and address traditional Hispanic issues when the time comes. The next elections will not be about Hispanic voters but about whether or not the Republicans can find their rudder and steer their ship in the "right" direction.

Update: There is a real comedy going on with the Sotomayor hearings. Whenever I walk passed the TV, which is on Fox News, there is some Obamocrat, this time Dick Dirtbin, regurgitating ad nauseum, Sotomayor not so inspiring life story. It is what an Obamocrat does when they have nothing of substance to say - the say nothing, with great solemnity about nothing. You would think they were singing the praises of a departed hero, but instead they are droning on about a so and so. As Randy Barnett says in his WSJ column today:
If you suspect this week's Senate confirmation hearings for Sonia Sotomayor will be, like "Seinfeld," a show about nothing, you are probably right.

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