Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What he means, when he says; The language of Obamacare

Says: "If we do not act, 14,000 Americans will continue to lose their health insurance every single day. These are the consequences of inaction.”
Means: "Yes, We estimate that because of our new healthcare plan, 14000 Americans will lose their jobs daily, and thus their health insurance."
Says: "If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket."
Means: "With health care reform, instead your taxes will skyrocket to offset the decline in premiums and out-of-pockets costs, by 2 to 1."
Says: "The health care legislation I am seeking will bar insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions."
Means: "Since there will be no insurance companies this is technically true; the new government insurance plan will not deny coverage, but won't provide payment for care of pre-existing conditions."
Says: "If you already have health insurance, reform means more security and stability."
Means: "Yes, security and stability for the million person army of new government employees that will be hired to regulate your new health coverage and you get the security in knowing your taxes are going up. "
Says: "Under my health care plan you will be able to keep your private health insurance."
Means: "That is until either the company goes out of business, or it needs to be renewed at which time it will be illegal to have private insurance. Oh, by the way, we will tax for you having it and then tax you again when you lose it!"

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