I wish that I had time to sit and watch the Sotomayor hearings from start to finish. What I have caught is well within expectation: Republicans being respectful but direct on Sotomayor's shortcomings and the importance of the "Rule of Law" and the Obamocrats fawning and gushing and whining about the Republicans not playing fair -whatever that means.
Most Americans forget the the President is not the most powerful man in America - as an individual he seems more powerful, but within the Constitutional definitions and restrictions of the office of the President, he is no more powerful than any member of Congress or of the Supreme Court. The founding fathers understood that as a Nation we needed one voice in world affairs and one leader on the battlefield and those powers were given to the President, but on equal level and footing are the Congress and the Supreme Court - the checks and balances. Each branch of the government equal and independent of the other. Sadly, this congress has become subservient to the Obama and his crank agenda. There is little that the President can do without consent of Congress and specifically the Senate. All laws originate in Congress and laws regarding the budget in the branch of the people, the House of Representatives. The president may seek agreements with other nations, but those agreements have to be ratified by the Senate - thus we do not have the silly Kyoto Protocol. The role of the Supreme Court is to protect the people and other nongovernmental entities from the encroachment of government. Remember the Constitution does not define the rights of the people but delineates certain restrictions on our rights by the government. The government is not out keeper, we are its. This is a very important idea to remember. Sotomayor and others like her will ascend to the Supreme Court and there, their liberal socialist government centric views will do a lot of harm to our way of life as more and more government infringements on our rights are found to be Constitutional. Sotomayor's judicial views are not of restraint of government but of the supremacy of government and the right of government to determine the outcome of all of those under its control. That she is Hispanic and that that gives her a unique (though not so much) perspective of the world is fine, but when that perspective comes into conflict with the Constitution, then she needs to bow to the superior perspective - the Constitution. Her role as a Supreme Court justice is not to bend the law to her outcome but to let the law determine the outcome - and that is what the Obama and Sotomayor and all liberals cannot understand.
Update: I should like to add something that I too forgot and that everyone forgets, the Fourth and most important branch of government - The People. As Lincoln said, "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people..." We have forgotten that there is no power higher than that of the people. Because we are a Republic we have chosen people to represent us within the governing body, but the government still belongs to us. It should not be some self serving, self feeding entity that it has become. It sucks more and more of our freedoms into it and claims that it is giving us new freedoms. The Obama with his stimulus spending and his outlandish budget and his Green energy plan and his socialized health care initiative is not creating new rights, he is destroying old rights.
Most Americans forget the the President is not the most powerful man in America - as an individual he seems more powerful, but within the Constitutional definitions and restrictions of the office of the President, he is no more powerful than any member of Congress or of the Supreme Court. The founding fathers understood that as a Nation we needed one voice in world affairs and one leader on the battlefield and those powers were given to the President, but on equal level and footing are the Congress and the Supreme Court - the checks and balances. Each branch of the government equal and independent of the other. Sadly, this congress has become subservient to the Obama and his crank agenda. There is little that the President can do without consent of Congress and specifically the Senate. All laws originate in Congress and laws regarding the budget in the branch of the people, the House of Representatives. The president may seek agreements with other nations, but those agreements have to be ratified by the Senate - thus we do not have the silly Kyoto Protocol. The role of the Supreme Court is to protect the people and other nongovernmental entities from the encroachment of government. Remember the Constitution does not define the rights of the people but delineates certain restrictions on our rights by the government. The government is not out keeper, we are its. This is a very important idea to remember. Sotomayor and others like her will ascend to the Supreme Court and there, their liberal socialist government centric views will do a lot of harm to our way of life as more and more government infringements on our rights are found to be Constitutional. Sotomayor's judicial views are not of restraint of government but of the supremacy of government and the right of government to determine the outcome of all of those under its control. That she is Hispanic and that that gives her a unique (though not so much) perspective of the world is fine, but when that perspective comes into conflict with the Constitution, then she needs to bow to the superior perspective - the Constitution. Her role as a Supreme Court justice is not to bend the law to her outcome but to let the law determine the outcome - and that is what the Obama and Sotomayor and all liberals cannot understand.
Update: I should like to add something that I too forgot and that everyone forgets, the Fourth and most important branch of government - The People. As Lincoln said, "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people..." We have forgotten that there is no power higher than that of the people. Because we are a Republic we have chosen people to represent us within the governing body, but the government still belongs to us. It should not be some self serving, self feeding entity that it has become. It sucks more and more of our freedoms into it and claims that it is giving us new freedoms. The Obama with his stimulus spending and his outlandish budget and his Green energy plan and his socialized health care initiative is not creating new rights, he is destroying old rights.
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